Hollywood Costumer Troubles


Jr Hunter
After reading this today on one of the other costuming websites it has me wondering could this sooner or later happen everywhere everywhere else in the country. There was one time when I was doing nothing wrong I was just walking around in my Master Chief costume for a city fair type event close to where I lived and I was told by the city police department to either remove the costume from the city event or I would be arrested was'nt taking tips or any threatening movements just taking pictures with people for the fun of it, so the removed the costume but things like this out in Hollywood upsets me, because I can understand tips but not begging for tips which is how this sort of seems to me after reading the story and watching the video, I mean people have to make a living one way or another. What are your thoughts on this?
what law was violated?

Was it on private property? Because if it is on private property the owner manager can dictate what goes on even if it doesn't breal a law.
On the strip in Vegas Ive heard of some of the different costumers actually fighting over a good spot for tips and assaulting people who stand back and take a picture, and yes on private property the walk way in front of a business is controlled by the property owner up to a point, different local laws would apply on how much of the walkway is controlled by the owner.
And if the performer is causing a traffic jam in the right of way.
Also how aggressive do they get to get the tips.
what law was violated?

Was it on private property? Because if it is on private property the owner manager can dictate what goes on even if it doesn't breal a law.

Even if it was on private property I can understand things like the Zorro guy swinging his sword around even if it's fake he can still injure someone by accient think if a kid runs up to him, also they would be breaking the law because they are pretty much panhandling.

On the strip in Vegas Ive heard of some of the different costumers actually fighting over a good spot for tips and assaulting people who stand back and take a picture, and yes on private property the walk way in front of a business is controlled by the property owner up to a point, different local laws would apply on how much of the walkway is controlled by the owner.
And if the performer is causing a traffic jam in the right of way.
Also how aggressive do they get to get the tips.

It's the actors and costumers that go out in public that even though they are in xostume they need to be an example and not be a idiot like some of the costumers out on the strip and the walk of fame.
The main story behind this topic is while I know probably none of us panhandle for pictures to be taken with us in costume there are people out there like this that make us out to be in the same crowd even though we do nothing wrong.
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