Anyone seen or spoken to Ruffkintoy?


Well-Known Hunter
Hi. Anyone seen or spoken to Ruffkintoy(Chuck)? I've been PM'ing him but he has not been on in a while. Please ask him to check his PM's if you talk to him. Thanks!

Email is the best way to reach him, he sometimes goes awhile without visiting the site. If you email him, he will get back to you usually in a day or 2.
Over the last week or two, he's been in the process of moving houses. Never fear, he'll get back with everyone once he has the chance.
I'm still trying to contact Chuck. I have e-mailed him but no response back. Please, if anyone talks to him ask him to PM me or e-mail me back. Thanks!
I've been waiting on some stuff from him for a little bit too. The last email i got from on 8/6 him said:

"Sorry for the no response to this email, I just moved into my new place and just got the cable hooked up. I am trying to get everything sorted(can't find anything in the mess)"

I just said thanks for the update and he replied again within about 15 min saying sorry again for the wait.

I emailed him again yesterday for another update, but he hasn't gotten back to me yet.
He's busy, swamped I'm sure, with moving all his stuff and setting up his new place, in addition to the fact he has a good load of orders of items to get sorted.

The dude is busy but hasn't forgotten, just needs some time to get set back up again.
Hey I am waiting on a pair of gauntlets from him but i just got a reply from him today to my email. He has been really busy. I was just getting worried, but he isn't the most easy to get in touch with. But he useually will respond when he gets the chance.
i have had to wait to wait on items from Chuck as well, back in march and april...alot of people have their stuff done thru him, so he is very busy...i contacted him in leiux of another member....cough cough, irish...:lol: and he got back with me with the same info...give him time, he will come through for you guys, and you will be pleased....(y) and yes, email for sure, he isnt here very often, but when he is, he does get with you....hope that gives some comfort...i needed it back in april too!! :D
I've got a set of gauntlets comming from him..eventually.. he said they're done and just waiting to ship. But that was weeks ago. I sent him an email LAST Saturday and havent gotten a reply :-(
Oh i'm not worried about being ripped off. I know enough about his reputation to not be concerned there. Its just that I ordered the gauntlets in early June, and I'm just more worried about being able to do anything WITH the gauntlets when they do arrive. Winter's not that far off in these parts :(
I've got a set of gauntlets comming from him..eventually.. he said they're done and just waiting to ship. But that was weeks ago. I sent him an email LAST Saturday and havent gotten a reply :-(

I'm in the same boat. He's been telling me since around D*Con that my stuff is done, and he will get them out ASAP. Every other week, he apologizes for the delay and assures me they are going out soon.

About a week and a half ago, I expressed my concerns about not receiving my stuff in time to get it all painted and ready for my Halloween deadline. He replied on Thursday (9/18 ) saying it will go out the next day (9/19) and he will provide a tracking #.

Here I am, a week later, worried as all hell that I won't be able to have my costume ready for Halloween, and I still have not heard back from him with a tracking number. I am only hoping he sent the stuff, but never got around to emailing me the tracking number. I have no way of knowing though.

I've seen firsthand Chuck's work from another member in my area, and he was not the only person to refer me to Chuck for my armor needs.
PLEASE tell me that my anxiety is for naught. People say "just sit tight, the gauntlets and armor will be worth the wait."
I am beginning to think that after 3 months passed the original ETA, maybe it is not worth it, especially if it keeps me from meeting my deadline for Halloween (which would be 4 and a half months after I placed my order).

I know (per what he told me) he's been extremely busy at cons all summer, he did just move and is getting set up again, his dog died, and he took a whack to the head so he's a little off his game, but I am really worried. Maybe I caught him in a bad year??

Does anybody have Chuck's number?
i had to wait a loooooooooooooong time for my jumpsuit, got numerous excuses and promises unfufilled when told that it was is inexcuseable to lead people on like is NOT THAT DIFFICULT to drop a line letting someone know what the deal is...DONT TELL someone that their stuff is shipping out and a tracking number will be sent, and then NOT DO IT!!!!!!! im sorry if i offend anyone, break rules, etc...but this kind of thing has got to stop...these vendors refuse to pass on their skills to others so that there can be more people doing these items, and help keep orders from getting backed up...STOP TAKING ORDERS UNTIL PREVIOUS ONES ARE DONE, OR AT LEAST DONT TAKE PAYMENT UNTIL READY TO START ON THE ORDER!! i have Chucks gauntlets, i finally got my jumpsuit, which is another story, and he does good work...but dude, really? how many people are in this postition waiting for their stuff? im sorry, unacceptable...(n)
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