Shoulder Studs help.


Active Hunter
Before I start drilling holes - can anyone give me an estimate/info on measurements for placement of shoulder studs - i.e/ distance from edge - distance from one another.

The over the shoulder piece on my armor is 3 1/2 inches long.

Thanks guys.(y)
I'm going to drill as well, but my stuff is already painted. Should I put some tape on the painted side before I drill? What kind of tape would be best for this? Drilling from the painted side and down would be best I believe, but if you have other opinions I'd be eager to hear.
I'm going to drill as well, but my stuff is already painted. Should I put some tape on the painted side before I drill? What kind of tape would be best for this? Drilling from the painted side and down would be best I believe, but if you have other opinions I'd be eager to hear.

the studs will cover the hole and the area around it, so any damage you may do to the paint won't be visible because the stud will be covering it. And you probably won't damage the paint anyway. You will eventually get more damage just by screwing the studs on and off over time. It'll look more authentic that way anyhow.
Peanutbutterstrangle is right. Every armor will be a little different so just come in off the sides with an equal distance and in enough from the back to allow for the stud to rest fully on the neck piece. You can also find a picture to go off of. Try this picture.

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