Shin tools Anti-Security Blades


Well-Known Hunter
With the recent annoucement of the JA Michell Turntable being used for various parts of the Fett Costume, I present yet another part it may have been used for.

It looks like that the side metal cylinders from the the Anti-Security Blades (that we have all speculated to be from Exacto Knifes) may be the Transcriptor Stylus Sweep Brush Assembly.

What do you think?



(photos from Visual Dictionary & vintageaudiophilia)
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As far as we know this is the correct part, but we have yet to confirm it which is why it wasn't released as a found part.
i'm seeing 3 holes in the shin tool picture, but only 2 in the turntable part?

I can only assume that the third hole is there on the underside to allow the brush arm to adjust to a different length based on the records dia.
Actually it is $91.35 ea. if you use Paypal ($1 = .492625 British lbs) , which is $182.70 for two.

Sounds like we need to get blueprints made and have them machined. Might be cheeper.
Rumor has it that Michell also made a stylus brush. Possible the difference is between Transcriptors and Michell...
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