Star Wars albums


Active Hunter
While I was at my parents house today I was going thur some record albums my father owns and to grand surprise I found my Star Wars albums.Which I had forgoten about thinking they had been lost over the years.I found the Soundtrack to ANH and ESB plus my favorite being "The Story of Star Wars".I was given this album by my mom only a few weeks after seeing ANH.I still remeber listening to this album everyday after school for months.This albums is a condensed recording of the movie.
For what ever reason the albums were left in the ESB cover jacket.I dont have or remeber what happened to the other album covers.I guess another quest left for Ebay.
But the ESB album cover is in great shape.The inside of it has photos of the scenes from the movie and a breif description of the main charters.On the back is the movie psoter artwork and I noticed something I thought I would share.
After many threads discussing the sidearm Boba used I think it is intresting that the orignal concept had him using the pre-pro sidearm.
For those that have seen it here is tow photos a somewhat over all and a close up of Boba.


You might not be able to tell but the sidearm he is using is the style with the short stock.
Side note...
I find it intresting that Lucas has expressed that he had no idea how popular Boba would be but thier marketing placed him every where since about 1980...just a thought
Oh...I am hoping to get the album "The Story of Star Wars" copied to a mpeg file,that is once I find a record player to a play the album and a way to do so.Any advice?????
I use Dazzle Digital video creator 80 so I can plug in my AV jacks and then plug the other end into the pc. Thats how I transfered some of my old albums.
I have the Story of Star Wars on record too. I haven't listened to my vinyl in years. Got no player. Now I'm getting all nostalgic.
wow..... thank you for the "how to" advice Remo

Yeah Gypsy,I have to hit the flea markets and "second hand" stores to find a turn table.I dont trust the "bay" to buy electronics.
i've got professional turntables (one of the benefits of being a dj). if you'd like, i can port it to my computer, and go through and try to clean up the recording. i also have some software that can scrub out some of the pops and clicks, i've done that in the past with some tape recordings of one of my friends great uncle's cowboy poetry. i don't do turntable stuff very often so it'll give me an excuse to finally get some new needles.
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