Looking to do a mandalorian project..

Lady Doomgiver

New Hunter
Well firstly, I just want to say Hi to everyone. For various reasons i've had to put my costuming on hold for a very long time. I'm still busy with life but now I think its time to get started again. I wanting to get into the 501st, I'm looking for the whole thing, armor, soft parts but I have a helmet already.

Are there any mando's that have purple on their helmet? I am looking to see what characters there are to base my costume off of so I can become a member of the 501st also.

Thanks all :)
Hehehehe, I have a thing for purple. Where the red should be on the Fett helmet just lovely :D

I have a skygunbro helmet that is needing finished but I would rather get it painted and weathered by someone that knows what their doing :)
Hi! You should check out the home page to the 501st and take a look at the list. There are not too many "custom" options for a costume that will be accepted into the 501st. Example, a friend of mine has a kick *** mando costume that looks better than any tie pilot or orange jumpsuit white helmet x-wing pilot, but, he cannot join the 501st because "custom" mandos are not accepted. I say, DO WHAT YOU LIKE and have fun!
never thought of joining the 501st but it is disappointing to hear they are so picky. If you think of it, all mandos should be custom... variations on a theme ya know. I agree Do what you want, and have fun
Mando mercs will take ya. ;) Jango's paint scheme is somewhere in the blue to purple range... That's the closest thing to purple that the 501st will take.
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