Suction cup helmet liner


New Hunter
I saw one of these on ebay awhile back,got sick and lost the bid. Nobody is posting them now on ebay. Does anyone know who makes it or one like it? I wanted this one cause it used the suction cups and I didnt need to glue it in,but at this point Im ready to pad fiot it if nessecary. Can anyone help me with information for a decent liner (including prices)?


Depends on if you are just looking for a cloth liner, or if you want a soft liner that looks like electronics. Stormrider makes a pretty awesome one that is soft foam and looks like electronics. I'm just waiting on my GMH to get here to determine if I will have room inside it for one, since I have a large head.
foam liners for kevlar work well at soaking up sweat and padding the helmet u can use sticky velcro to hold it in the helmet or the stuff stated above
I don't know if a suction cup would hold really well in a mando helmet. I suppose it would depend on what the interior surface is like but they are rarely smooth. If you go the route of foam liners make sure you get some thin ones because I tried using some from one of my MICHs and the padding was WAY too thick.

My current helmet has a hard hat liner in it and it's worked rather well. I've never seen one of the "Interior" kits in person but they sure look nice.
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