I Give You 'Japor Snippet Vader'


Well-Known Hunter
Well, here are some shots of my 'hero' Vader helmet that I am using in my fanfilm. Yes, it's a Master Replica's ROTS Vader that I repainted in the Original Trilogy paint scheme of gunmetal grey and gloss black.

JS Vader A.jpg

JS Vader B.jpg

JS Vader C.jpg

JS Vader D.jpg

JS Vader E.jpg

JS Vader F.jpg
Looks great man! Do you have any info on your new fanfilm?


Yes. The title of the film is The Japor Snippet. It is set between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, and has to do with the last meeting between Vader and Boba Fett, and a subsequent assasination attempt on Vader's life. It also gives us insight as to the REAL reason Vader kills the Emperor.
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