My Bloody Valentine costume

Ive started to do the killer from My Bloody Valentine now i got the screen used mask and started the mods on it that was done for the movie

pics will be up soon

just wondering has anyone here done him yet

and does anyone live near a mining town i really need to locate a few parts and i wanna go authentic if possible
My Mask



the hose connection is on the side of the cheek and the vent is in the front but with a little bit of pull and push i was able to remove them



and place them in the move accurate order of hose connector in front mouth with exhaust vent on cheek


and here you have him

now i need a black hose that will connect to this mask and black mining helmet complete with large light.....i live in bronx and I am having a hard time locating these things even on fleabay.....anyone can help id really appreciate it
the movie "my bloody valentine" it just came out in february in 3D in selected theaters.
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