Interest\signup for Hand Crafted, Wooden, EE-3 Webley Stocks


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**UPDATE** 8/26 Hand Crafted, Wooden, EE-3 Webley Stocks

Hello All,
I've recently received my resin cast of MK-1 Webley and Scott Flare gun from SEVEN here on TDH. This kit is really AMAZING, and if you can get in on the list, I would highly recommend it. This is THE finest EE-3 kit that I've been lucky enough to come across and an amazing price at that. In case you didn't see it, here's the link:

Anyway, I recently did some decal work for a local carpenter/woodworker shop and I mentioned this kit to him. I then inquired about getting the resin stock that comes with this kit made in wood, just like the real one. This would be identical to the "real deal" stock that came with SEVEN's actual gun, and would come finished and ready to stain or paint.

He will sell them $50 each plus shipping(US) for the FIR version.

If you're interested, please post here so we can get these out to everyone. I have gotten SEVEN's approval to use his cast as the wooden template to be sure. In keeping with his gracious kit offer, I will NOT be making any $$ on this at all, just getting this into everyones hands.
So, if you're interested PLEASE POST!!!:cheers

UPDATE 1/3/09: Pics posted from the carpenter(greg). He also got back to me about the options of wood that can be used. The coices will be:
1. Fir (which is shown in the pics) - $50
2. Walnut - $100

Fir will be the least expensive wood, $50 plus shipping(for Fir type wood). I will get the cost for the other wood types ASAP. He will also be taking payments soon as well, so keep your eyes peeled. They will ship in order of payment, but post up when you send your PayPal.

1. Lucksy31
2. 22ssplt
3. 22ssplt
4. Lath Toth
5. FettDad
6. FettFanatic
7. usmcrice0311
8. Galactic Bounty Hunter
9. Spideyfett
10. mrbungle
11. dankenman
12. dankenman
13. SuperJedi
14. Murphoid
15. Madmartigan
16. KoRn3000
17 99centTaco
18. mrmandalore
19. GCNgamer128
20. xfettx
21. BobaFettSlave_1
22. MandalorFett






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Count me interested.

Also, just a thought here, but since your having someone who's very knowledgeable on wood working making these stocks, could he also go ahead and stain them, as he would know the best technique / color / type of stain to best replicate the original webley stock?


im on the marine corps silent drill platoon and our M1 garand stocks break frequently. so im very knowledgeable on how to get rifle stocks looking purddddy. so if the stocks are shipped barebone when i get mine i will post a tutorial for anyone who needs help.

just throwin that out there
Interested, depending on product.:thumbsup:

Count me interested.

Also, just a thought here, but since your having someone who's very knowledgeable on wood working making these stocks, could he also go ahead and stain them, as he would know the best technique / color / type of stain to best replicate the original webley stock?



GBH we did one recently for a client... was made based off the MR Rifle stock, and was maple finished with regular wood oil (about four coats) and steal wood to finish.:thumbsup:
Interested, depending on product.:thumbsup:

GBH we did one recently for a client... was made based off the MR Rifle stock, and was maple finished with regular wood oil (about four coats) and steal wood to finish.:thumbsup:

I'll see if I can get him to email some pics today, until I can pick mine up this week.

I'll also ask about staining, but my guess is that he will have to charge more for that.
I'll see if I can get him to email some pics today, until I can pick mine up this week.

I'll also ask about staining, but my guess is that he will have to charge more for that.

I'd stain it myself... the cheaper the better.:thumbsup:
And what kind of wood would he be using?

Thanks for doing these btw.:thumbsup:
I was debating on finding someone who can do this, (or maybe even try myself) so your timing is perfect! Im interested in two please. I would much prefer to stain them myself.
Sounds cool. Throw me on the list, too. :)
I'll echo a couple other members: what kind of wood will these be made from?

You got it man, list updated.

He did get back to me via email today, and he let me know that the wood he chose was Fir. This was to keep costs as low as possible, and still provide a good, solid, stock.

He did say that requests for other types of wood could be made, but the cost would also go up. I'm gonna stick with the fir personally.

As for the staining, I will ask that as well. What is the generally accepted Stain color for ESB and ROTJ??

I will provide more info as well as pics, as soon as I have it. Thanks!
Could you check with your source and ask about the price difference for Walnut or Hickory stocks. Walnut is extremely strong and is a common wood used for gunstocks. It also tends to stain a little better than Fir does.
Nice tip, FettFanatic, its good to hear some knowledge on the subject. It is a good price, so I am also interested in the price on a walnut upgrade if you could ask the maker? If not then fir is fine. Thank you
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