Keep Track Of Your ROTJ Boba Fett Cost


Well-Known Hunter
Since I have been in this hobby I have always kept track of how much it has cost me. Most of the time I really don’t even want to look at the bottom line. Since I am updating my Boba I thought I would update how I keep track of things.

This is my new Excel Spread Sheet created just for Boba ROTJ. It’s not perfect, im no Excel genius, im sure there are a few parts missing, a few modifications you would like to see, but I have been working on it for a few days now and I think I got all of the bugs.
I put it up here for everyone to use if you can remember the data. It is unlocked so if someone wanted to improve on it they could.

As you can see there are a few different sections, part name, category, cost, have you sold it, etc. And I found the neat thing with the drop down box the other day so there are choices in there. At the bottom it adds up all of your cost.

Enjoy remembering how much you spent on Boba and try not to cry to hard.


  • Boba Fett ROTJ Cost 97-03 Sheet V1
    12.5 KB · Views: 293
  • Boba Fett ROTJ Cost Sheet V1
    28.1 KB · Views: 333
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I did the same thing back in the day -- with columns to even source parts from different vendors. When I sold the ROTJ SE to make the transition to ESB, I put all that data in there, too. Desired price per part, actual price, replacement price for the ESB equivalent, source, etc.

I may be a geek, but I'm a practical one!
i'll just try to keep up with in head . if she every found my list or knew what i spent i'd be divorced . lol
she thinks i have spent $1000 less than i have .
Yeah if mine found the updated list she would freak out, well if she found any of my cost list she would freak But to bad for me I can’t keep all that mess in my head.
That is an Office 2007 EXCEL FILE, saved as an XLSX. Could you save that as a 2003 EXCEL FILE, as a standard XLS file??
This is why I have a secret slush fund and countless collectibles before the marriage. I can always explain things off as a trade... "C'mon sweety! No one deals in cash anymore, it's all trades" I know that's decieving but I'm not perfect. I don't cheat on her with other women, I just invest in costumes. Nobody's perfect... And the slush fund is suppemented from perdiem I don't use when I'm on the road.

I've been keeping track of my costs with a spreadsheet, too. I wish that I would have started keeping track of the time I've spent since the beginning of this project. I've put quite a few hours into this thing.
Thats one thing id like to put on here that I could not figure out is the time scale. Im sure its not to hard to figure out but. Maybe in V2.
Although it has been five or six years since I started on my first Boba so who knows how much time I have put into it.
While I haven't used an excel spreadsheet, I have a word doc that I've been keeping a tally on. I started my project on 5/28/10 and dropped about $6k in three months on high end pieces. I've even been keeping track of the tid bits I spend for glue, brushes, paint roller pans, velcro, etc, etc. as well, to inlcude the date I purchased all items and of course down to the penny expenses. I'm still waiting on some items like my bucket from FP and my fully painted armor from Bobamaker but I unfortunately know EXACTLY how much I've spent.

When I get the time, I would really like to put these figures into your spreadsheet. Thanks for posting those BTW.

$6,000 ?!?!?! Holy Moley that is a lot of dough.

It all adds up real quick when you buy top of the line stuff as the original buyer instead of bargain shopping in the Cargo Hold. Ehh, I had the money to burn at the time and figured I'd finally drop it on a SE BF. Mind you, I'm not an artisan so for example, I got all my armor plus painting and shipping (minus the JP & Bucket) from BM and that was $1900 right there. Then I got MOW's JP, FD's EE-3, FP's Premium kit, paint job on the JP & bucket (that alone is around $800), Loanstar flight suit, vest, pockets, BBF belt and JP Harness, etc, etc., I've double checked all my figures and it's actually between $6k & $7k.

Yeah 6G is a lot, but to achieve perfection you have to go through the learning process as you know. Heck mine has cost me something like 4G with upgrades. I can only ponder what my Fett would have cost me if I had put the effort into the costume when I first found AS You Wish. But I guess I was kind of lucky, never became a member, only read a few threads for about a week and then my computer crashed on me; and As You Wish was lost to me. On the other hand I was lucky to find TDH a few years later and with the advancements in the costume community at least this time I could build a Fett that I could wear with honor and keep building on it.

On that note, if anyone out there wants, can, or has the motivation to build on the spread sheet please do. If you send it to me ill add it to the first post and make sure you get the credit. I’m guessing people would like to see an ESB. Or, if you have a more advanced spread sheet send it to me and ill put it on the first post.

Like I said before im no Excel brain child. I barely know how to use the program and im sure there could be better ones made. That’s one nice thing about TDH, we all have something to offer.
I gave up tracking the money spent on my suit long ago... after it passed 3 grand I didn't want to know anymore. hahahaha
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