Real Metal ROTJ Gauntlets by WICKEDBEARD


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Real Metal ROTJ Gaunts by WICKEDBEARD

Hey everyone,
Been meaning to post this for a while now, but life is just as crazy as ever, and there's not enough time in the day anymore!! Anyway, After a few years of wearing my resin Gauntlets, I decided to make a change. I found that after trooping for 8 hours a day, I was always having to repair my gauntlets at the end of the day. They looked great but the were a bit fragile after being manhandled by agressive kids/parents for photo ops and such. Plus, my guants have working Lasers(in the flame thrower section) in addition to LED's, and i found it hard to get to the batteries. I was able to unload my resin ones, and was fortunate enough to get a real metal pair of gauntlets from WICKEDBEARD. These babies are great, and durable. All the pieces are metal, the electronics(LED's, wires, switches, battery connections...) were included WITH the gauntlets, and he even painted them up for me. Complete One-Stop-shopping!!!:thumbsup:

OK, now for the pics. Please feel free to comment, and if you're in the market for a REAL metal pair of Gauntlets, shoot Jeff a PM!!:cheers









can U please post up or PM me some specs on the size of them?

I am only 5'7 and not sure if they will be too big on me. I was told of other sets that may work best for me. But the all Metal sure does sound good :D + he is doing a set of armor right now for me and getting the gauntlets will just add to the look of the armor.

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can U please post up or PM me some specs on the size of them?

I am only 5'7 and not sure if they will be too big on me. I was told of other sets that may work best for me. But the all Metal sure does sound good :D + he is doing a set of armor right now for me and getting the gauntlets will just add to the look of the armor.


Sure, I'll post specs in a bit. Jeff can make them "custom" to fit your frame, big or small. Shoot him a PM as well, I LOVE mine!!
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Sure, I'll post specs in a bit. Jeff can make them "custom" to fit your frame, big or small. Shoot him a PM as well, I LOVE mine!!

Thanks a bunch for the kudos bro.I gotta jump in though on custom sizing.I do scale down armor, but as far as the gauntlets go , they are pretty much a one size deal.
they are fairly standard to the sizing of most other gauntlets so they should fit most anyone just fine.You can slip some foam inside if the need to be a bit more snug, but you gotta take into account the flight suit sleeve.
The length of the gauntlets is what it is.I cannot do much about that, but they have fit everyone I have sold them too so I would not worry too much.
Most gauntlets should cover the majority of your forearm anyway.

Thanks again lucky.I do appreciate your business bro, and your kind words.And as far as decals for all my armor, you will always be my go to guy.
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can U please post up or PM me some specs on the size of them?

I am only 5'7 and not sure if they will be too big on me. I was told of other sets that may work best for me. But the all Metal sure does sound good :D + he is doing a set of armor right now for me and getting the gauntlets will just add to the look of the armor.


I'm 5'8-5'9ish... and there awsome gaunlets. Heres a thread with me wearing some paint modded wickedbeard gauntlets..

they should be ok for 5'7 but i could be wrong.. Wickedbeard guanlets are just that dam sweet..... COngrats your new purchase well worth the wait.
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Jeff's in the proccess of making my gauntlets and armour at the moment. Didn't realise that they had all the electronics wired up. Just makes the wait even more unbearable. Where else can you get gauntlets that come painted, wired up and ready to wear out of the box?
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Wickedbeard did my ESB armor for me. I know Bountyone had his armor as well and it looks AMAZING! All metal and everything. He is incredible to work with and is a great crasftsman. I know when i get the money, I am getting his gauntlets no doubt! Bet's on Fett, I do believe they come with the hoses. Don't quote me on that, I'd ask jeff himself but I am sure they do

Again, Wickedbeard is awesome! I'm proud to wear his armor and soon his gauntlets!

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Jeff is an amazing craftsman and artist. I remember the day I first got my armor and gauntlets from him. I must have stared at those bad boys for hours.

:eek: = :love = :thumbsup:
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Thanks TehEl1te. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think bobamaker's gauntlets come with the hose. I'm still debating between bobamaker's armor or wickedbeard's. Quite the decision. They both have high quality stuff.
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WICKEDBEARD's gauunts come with everything, LED's, Switches, Hoses, metal darts, paint, wires, THE WHOLE deal. You just have to tell him ahead of time, so he knows that you're expecting them. That way, they're worked into the total price....
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Thanks for all the compliments guys.It is greatly appreciated!!!.I really wish I could get these things out faster for ya, but with only a couple full days off a week and daily life ,it takes a bit of time to complete things.
I do some work in the evening ,but my dremel has to take a rest at night when others are settling down for the evening in my apartment building, so i reserve that time to do all the gluing and various smaller parts that need to be done.
As far as the orders for bossy and TK2280, your gear is coming along nicely.No worries.
Believe me, I know it sucks to wait for things, but in the end ,you will see that it was well worth it.
Oh and bets on fett...whomever you decide to go with, you will not be disappointed either way, but if it is metal you seek,just let me know when you are ready.
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would love to see the wickedbeard metal armor ... and also would like to know prices ...

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Thanks for all the compliments guys.It is greatly appreciated!!!.I really wish I could get these things out faster for ya, but with only a couple full days off a week and daily life ,it takes a bit of time to complete things.
I do some work in the evening ,but my dremel has to take a rest at night when others are settling down for the evening in my apartment building, so i reserve that time to do all the gluing and various smaller parts that need to be done.
As far as the orders for bossy and TK2280, your gear is coming along nicely.No worries.
Believe me, I know it sucks to wait for things, but in the end ,you will see that it was well worth it.
Oh and bets on fett...whomever you decide to go with, you will not be disappointed either way, but if it is metal you seek,just let me know when you are ready.
Thanks, you and bobamaker both appear to make top quality products. I guess in the end it'll just be a matter of personal preference.
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