your nintendo zapper side arm.

Here is my interpretation. it will work until Gav ships the new Pulce copies.

The trigger guard came off a BBQ lighter. The holster is a few pieces of sintra that I pieced together.


heres mine so far. I'll be trimming down the barrel and putting an end on it soon. Scratch built holster too. I'm gonna be redoing it.



  • c2lkZWFybSBhbmQgaG9sc3Rlci5qcGc.gif
    6.4 KB · Views: 361
hey guys, I was thinking of grabbing some of these for my custom... I remembered someone had said there was a site that was selling em for like $5... can anyone link me?
I bought my zapper at a used video game store. I asked the dude if he had a bargain pile? He found one with the tip broken off. I got it for 4 bucks. (was cutting the front half off anyway)
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