About to take the plunge!


Active Hunter
Hello, and off the bat, forgive me if this is not a topic intended for this forum, however I am in serious need of boba expertise! I was forwarded here and you guys seem to really know what's going on in the boba world.

I have some cash left over from my student loan from college, and like a true star wars nerd I am ready to blow it on boba armor.

The thing is... I don't HAVE the time nor probably skills to make my armor as beautiful and perfected as I desire. So with that in mind I ask of you, in what way is it possible for me to get myself a bad ass set of armor?

Also what should I be looking for...

What type of helmet do you guys suggest?

What am I looking for in armor pieces?

What do you guys think about thin metal armor?

this guy is selling some here:

I want my armor to basically turn out just like this kid's armor:




how much am I looking to spend?

I want that exactly! Is anyone willing to be contracted for such a beautiful assignment?

I already have built my own stormtrooper armor with my first student loan. (hahaha) it took forever yet it turned out beautiful. I just don't have the time or patience to do a boba. So any helpful tips... or if anyone would like to build me one that can make it turn out as beautiful as the kid's above, let me know the price!

Here is my stormtrooper:

Thanks a lot


contact: myspace - www.myspace.com/loliamdrunk
email - julitoculito@gmail.com
credit referance - ebay id - unseenforces
Looks like Jango Fett Jr.'s armor so ask him, I spent uh 2600 lol I think thats about the average.

The Ebay seller is a member here and His armor come recommended, thats really a good price for metal painted armor.

I just dont think you understand the extreme pain in the ass this costume is lol its not as simple as naming off who makes what and what the best of the best of the best.
Plus, to get it all to fit you right is also a pain in the ass-you really have to make it yourself to get it right-and it will take more than one attempt!! It's the most complicated and hardest of the costumes to take on and get right, so you need to be really committed to taking on Boba!! I kid you not, just ask here!!!
You should be able to do it for $2000 (or more if you want to go all out)That is very realistic. Use the "search" function to find makers. Then "PM" them with your wants. Just a heads up, your looking at 6-12 months to complete minimum (makers have lives away from TDH)
Love those Fett photos...

Something very cool about a Fett costume in a warehouse setting with all the girders and I-beams....You'd expect to see Slave I off the side refueling :D

Great stuff !
Yeah, this project is REALLY involved...
I had NO CLUE what I was getting myself into when I started this almost a year ago... and I am still not finished.
Its a great project, dont get me wrong. I love my Fett and cant wait to complete it!
But it is a difficult, time consuming, money consuming OBSESSION!
Its totally worth it though!
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I'd agree with using Bobamaker for armor.
For the jumpsuit, I'd recommend contacting skygunbro (he's on this forum as well as on eBay.) He can custom make them to fit you.
For the Wookie braids, I HIGHLY recommend Fetthunter (also on this forum.)

Just something you should keep in mind. Getting a Boba Fett as dead-on screen accurate as it seems you are looking to get is not only not cheap, but it is DEFINITELY not a 1, 2, 3 task. In other words, don't be expecting have the complete costume in just a week.
oh god! Don't scare me or anything :[

I just don't know what kind of helmet I should be looking for. Are there different material makes of the helmet? what should I get???

Is metal armor truely better than plastic?

I want the best of the best, for sure. I could pull together 3,000.00.

god that's a lot of money.

But I don't want it at all unless I can have it perfect.
I don't think anyone is trying to scare you, they are just telling you that it won't be like a TK kit. I would suggest you do a search on the following names;

Marrow sun
Man of War Studios

These are all very talented artists, and prop makers! Take it from me, the small parts will haunt you through your entire project!
Fiberglass armor: MLC or BM, helmet: MS, BM or SGB (MS is my favorite, but you can't go wrong with any of these), flight suit: SGB, vest:Batninja, boots: CABoots, jet pack: MLC, MOW or Ruffkin, gauntlets:Ruffkin or MOW, gloves: The Real Gloves or TK409, neckseal and cape:TK409, blaster:Sidewinder, braids: Fetthunter, belt: Pavespawn
pennywise said:
Fiberglass armor: MLC or BM, helmet: MS, BM or SGB (MS is my favorite, but you can't go wrong with any of these), flight suit: SGB, vest:Batninja, boots: CABoots, jet pack: MLC, MOW or Ruffkin, gauntlets:Ruffkin or MOW, gloves: The Real Gloves or TK409, neckseal and cape:TK409, blaster:Sidewinder, braids: Fetthunter, belt: Pavespawn

I'm in love with all your acronyms!

I would think putting together a tk would be a lot more time consuming, considering all the cuts that have to be made. But anyways... I could see the painting being a pain in the butt, but I refuse to do the painting. I need to contract one of these boba fetxperts to do it for me.

Should the helmet and armor match?

I think I'm going to go with the greenish gauntlets over the red gauntlets.

Okay so I have the money all ready.

I guess I just start picking and choosing.....
One more thing regarding helmets. Be careful about some helmets on eBay. I am not trying to criticize any sellers, but I know some people on here have purchased Boba Fett helmets off eBay, and they have been very disappointed with the outcome. If you do see something that may look good, it may be a good idea to ask here first if you are looking to buy off eBay.

If you are looking for painted helmets, I do know Bobamaker offers this service. If you go this route, make sure you tell him you want the ESB style paint job because that's the Fett you are trying to replicate.
Thanks for your valuable advice.

I really wish I could just give somebody 3 grand and have them scavenge everything and end up with a fett like "graem" (sp?)'s.

But it's quite obvious that I'm going to have to pick and choose parts, I have a headache already hahaha. I've been looking a lot and will continue my search.

Another thing is... a lot of the mentionable names who make quality parts/pieces... none of them have websites, or most of them at least and googling only brings me back here. I don't really get to see any samples so I'm pretty much just taking everyone's word for it.

Confusion ensues, maddness shortly after, and perhaps certain death accompanied by the pit of despair.
Those gauntlets don't look too accurate, and shipping to the USA is $41. Send a PM Ruffkintoy, ask about his gauntlets, he makes them fully painted if you wish to pay extra.

Which version are you doing? Don't jump in and start buying pieces until you figure out which Fett you are doing, Pre-Pro, ESB, or ROTJ?
new_y0rk said:
I really wish I could just give somebody 3 grand and have them scavenge everything and end up with a fett like "graem" (sp?)'s.

yeah... unfortunately that just won't happen.


his suit represents a CRAZY amount of effort. i'm in my suit for several thousand, and that is with me painting everything myself, and i've still got more to do.

it's a lot of fun, but a LOT of work.
new_y0rk said:
Thanks for your valuable advice.

I really wish I could just give somebody 3 grand and have them scavenge everything and end up with a fett like "graem" (sp?)'s.

But it's quite obvious that I'm going to have to pick and choose parts, I have a headache already hahaha. I've been looking a lot and will continue my search.

Another thing is... a lot of the mentionable names who make quality parts/pieces... none of them have websites, or most of them at least and googling only brings me back here. I don't really get to see any samples so I'm pretty much just taking everyone's word for it.

Confusion ensues, maddness shortly after, and perhaps certain death accompanied by the pit of despair.
You gotta keep things on the "down-low" on this board. PM me if you want the "Real" scoop;) And yeah, now that your a member of TDH you don't need to buy ANYTHING from ebay "Fett" related.
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