Does Anyone Have a Good Trash Can Armor Tutorial???

Does anyone know of a good Trash can armor tutorial?

i need to know how long should i heat the plastic... what i should heat it with... do i have to bend it in steps?,what type of trash can is best? ect..
AFFO$ Trashcan Armor

I don't know about heating it up, except for holding it in front of a hot furnace for a bit (what I did), but if you use the same trashcan in that thread, you shouldn't have to heat and bend anything, since the trashcan already has a good curve to it. I couldn't find that trashcan when I did mine, but I've recently seen them at stores again (the right oval curved trashcans). Good luck!

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I feel really dumb now. I put the link to AFFO$'s thread in my first post, but apparently it didn't show up. But I shall edit it now!
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