My First Attempt

TK 4130

Active Hunter
After lurking around here for ages I finally decided to give the ESB Boba Fett helmet a shot. I've done a few sets of stormtrooper armor in the past, but lets face it, there's not much of a painting challenge there. I got a Marrow_Sun 2 helmet a few months ago, and finally got around to getting it started...

I cut out little eye holes to see how big it would look on me...

Then I painted it "Nickle Shimmer".

Next was the liquid masking.

I painted the dome and cheeks.


Had a little fubar with the keyholes. The two paints didn't like each other.

A black wash to dull down the colors, and there you have it.


It was a lot of fun doing this, I'd like to thank everyone here for all the help. Now that I'm done I want to do another one. I'm thinking about a M_S 3...
That's looking outstanding :eek: Great work. What paint type did you use to make it slick looking? Curious because mine is a bit coarse but then I haven't added a coat of semi-gloss and dull yet.
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Here's the spray paints I used...


1. Tamiya Color - Olive Drab (mandibles)
2. Just Enough - Burgundy (visor)
3. Krylon Fusion - Nickle Shimmer (undercoat)
4. Armor Coat -Grass Green (dome and cheeks)
5. Krylon - Almond (back and rangefinder ear piece, mixed with below)
6. Krylon - Bright Gold (rangefinder ear pieces, mixed with above)
7. Painters Choice - Meadow Green (back) this is the only color I wasn't happy with.
Besides the masking tape what did you use to mask the individual cat scratch etc on the helmet? I'm really impressed with your approach!
Yikes, I guess I screwed up it's a M_S 1 not 2. :eek: I got it directly from MS himself, through ebay. Awesome helmet to work with, quality all the way.(y)
MacRory said:
Besides the masking tape what did you use to mask the individual cat scratch etc on the helmet? I'm really impressed with your approach!

I used AMBROID E Z MASK, I got it at a local hobby shop. It came in a little bottle, and the liquid is green in color. That's the green stuff in the third pic.
Did you use a brush to apply the E Z Mask? I used Winsor & Newton's latex based liquid and I gunked up two of my brushes :lol: Have any similar experience or did that work pretty well?
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