Ronnie Dio dead at 67.

He was actually a distant cousin of mine, also. I never met him but I always thought it was pretty cool to have someone that famous in the family.
Always liked Dio. Even in his Black Sabbath years. Sad to hear he passed.

Met him a couple times. I made a horrible impression, though. Didn't know he was behind me when we started joking about him being a demonic midget with pipes from hell. It was meant as a compliment. He didn't seem to take it that way.

Rock on Holy Diver. You will be missed.
I actually gasped when I read this on Yahoo. I liked Dio with Sabbath and solo... It feels like I'm getting to an age when more of this is happening... Childhood icons... family... friends passing. Its part of life I guess.
I was so sad to hear this. He actually grew up in the next town from me, about 10 min. My dad has been in local rock bands since the 70's. People in his circles, knew people is Ronnie's circles something like that I don't know. Local musicians circles. A guy he grew up with played with The Outlaws, and the lead guitarist in his current band, was the bass for Tokyo.
I've been listening to his solo stuff and his era of Sabbath for the last few days. He's sort of the first of the "metal legends" I grew up with to pass.

\m/ \m/
I was so sad to hear this. He actually grew up in the next town from me, about 10 min. My dad has been in local rock bands since the 70's. People in his circles, knew people is Ronnie's circles something like that I don't know. Local musicians circles. A guy he grew up with played with The Outlaws, and the lead guitarist in his current band, was the bass for Tokyo.

Cortland, NY?
My dad drove me by his parent's house a few times. They renamed the street it's on to DIO WAY some many years ago and my dad said it is always getting stolen by fans. I expect now it will be even more so. LOL!

Did you ever go to the Hollywood restaraunt before it burned down? The drummer for ELF used to own it.
Yes, the one on Groton Ave right? Groton is the town I grew up in, but the first 3 jobs I had were all in Cortland. Yep, I know exactly where Dio Way is. Its right around the corner from my last job, which was on Main St.
I had a chance to meet him a couple of time. Both times he was kind and really down to earth. No "rock star" ego with him.
One of Metal's greatest voices!!!! - R.I.P. Ronnie James Dio
Hey guys, thought I would post this. Was over in Cortland the other night to see my grandma in the nursing home, which is not far at all from where Ronnie grew up. Thought I'd snap a few pics of the flowers and letters left. Sorry for the quality, its my camera phone, and it was 10PM. I was on my motorcycle, so I tried to use my headlight the best I could:p

Oh man, that sign is so cool to see again. Sidesteppin the main topic for a second but you mentioned Main St... man, I miss that strip.
I remember it before they brick and cobble-stoned it all up. Does it still look nice? Is Dark Horse Tavern still there?

So many memories coming back to me...
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