Charcoal tip


Active Hunter
Don't know if this has been mentioned before so forgive me if this is already common knowledge .

I have read a lot that people are using charcoal for weatherng their armor. I have been doing some tests with paint and weathering untill i get down to my actual armor.

Well in doing some testing I remembered that I had charcoal pills. These are pills that you can get at a GNC or any health store. they are basically little capsules filled with charcoal. People take them to try and absorb toxins out of their system. Anyway I just took apart the capsule and had a nice little amount of charcoal to dust over my test pieces with and it looks great.

just thought I would share this
how much though? i know alot of GNC stuff can be pricey so i would think this may cost more than buying some charcoal from an arts store and crushing it yourself wouldnt it?

just thinking is all... if price is good its an easy way to save some time for sure
Furious said:
Well in doing some testing I remembered that I had charcoal pills. These are pills that you can get at a GNC or any health store. they are basically little capsules filled with charcoal. People take them to try and absorb toxins out of their system. Anyway I just took apart the capsule and had a nice little amount of charcoal to dust over my test pieces with and it looks great.

just thought I would share this

really? man, i guess people will put anything in themselves. this is the weirdest thing i have heard in awhile. not saying you are weird or anything. just the thought of charcoal pills boggles the mind :confused

You can go to the hobby shop (joanns, hobby lobby) and buy the charcoal sticks there. Or just do what I did, I like to grill alot and I just used what was left.
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