My Boba armor Scratch build

Darth Voorhees

Well-Known Hunter
Preferred Vendor
Well i decided to try out the WOF templates and make my own chest/ab shoulder armor. I had a nice size sheet of ABS laying around so i just used that.

heres where im at now..what do you guys think?

left chest plate before hittin it with the heatgun to curve it:

And here is both sides of the chest after curving with the heatgun and the medallion:


  • Leftchestplate.gif
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  • fullchest.gif
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thanks guys!

heres the full chest/ab armor. Just need to add the dent in the ab section.

So i think this is workin out prettygood. Its just ABS cut out with a dremel,and sanded edges.

thats all for tonight! im off to bed!


  • chest-ab.gif
    6.4 KB · Views: 165
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