RPF registration begins 6/15


Sr Hunter
Since some people usually ask, the RPF will be accepting registrations between 6/15 and 6/30.
Just a heads up for anyone who's interested.
The RPF is really great! The stuff people make over there is amazing! The only thing is that it is definitely NOT an online community like here on the dented helmet. It is really every man for himself (usually) on the RPF so be careful because there tends to be quite a few cat fights.....just stay clear!!

That why me and Kwally do the tag-team thing. :lol:

Haha! But seriously...I feel a MUCH closer connection to people on the RPF that I know from TDH.

You see....TDH is like my hometown where I know everyone and we all love each other (REALLY stretching this simile...) The RPF is like that big town about 20 minutes away. A lot more stuff to do, but all the other people are giving you the look that says "I'm better than you, start something...I dare you..man, I can take you". You don't know why they do these things. You are just trying to have a good time eating some Hy-nese (pronounced Hi Knees, it is Hy-Vee Chinese...Hy-Vee is a grocery store) and just got done watching Star Trek. You are already slightly annoyed because you are sick of hearing people say "Wowzers! Land of the Lost is going to be so good." I mean come on...that movie looks terrible! Will Ferrel needs to broaden his horizon as an actor. He is the SAME guy in every movie...he is like...Nicholas Cage! That guy has the SAME voice with NO emotion in EVERY film (go watch a couple of his movies. I am DEAD serious!) You just walk to the car thinking "man, these people are not movie savvy, and...come on...why is that white gangster wannabe eyeing me like that. One of these days I'm just going to sprint at them screaming. I really want to see what they do....jeeze, I can't wait to get home!" That is why my hometown, TDH, is where I live....

Please understand that it is 1:10AM.....:lol:
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