wheres best place to buy ammo belt?


Darth Noonan

im new to this thing, so bear with me.

i was woundering where i could buy a CHEAP boba fett ammo belt. Around maybe $30-$40. i also need it FAST. less than two weeks. im tring to get my costume ready for disney star wars weekends on june 12.

can any one help me out?
PM a guy named Rimshot. Tell him Ahamed Eben Fahallan Eben Allabas Eben Rashid sent you. (That's French for Jodo_Kast)

Give it a shot. (I owned one of his belts and it was nice)
Wow, I didnt know that was French! Anyway, PM me and we can work out something. I can easily have it to you within two weeks. PM me with which version you want, ESB, or ROTJ.

BTW: thanks for the plug Jodo.
2 weeks is plenty of time to make one yourself..

Brown vinyl, old belt, superglue and a template..probably only cost you 5-10 bucks all up
what is a PM? sorry, im a newbie to this thing.

I am overwhelmed with making every thing else in time for Disney weekends i am going to buy from you RimShot. I need ESB vesion and i can only go $30-$40. If that is possible. And remember i need it SHIPED here before June 10.


Darth Noonan wrote:

what is a PM? sorry, im a newbie to this thing.

I am overwhelmed with making every thing else in time for Disney weekends i am going to buy from you RimShot. I need ESB vesion and i can only go $30-$40. If that is possible. And remember i need it SHIPED here before June 10.


PM = private message (go to "my helmet" you will find it there).

Hope this helps.
thanks carbonitekid, that helped alot.

metallboy-post pictures of your belt when your finished!
hey Rimshot, could you hook me up with one of you ammo belts? how much for them? email me with the price, and where to send the money. thanks
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