intwenothor ESB helmet painting WIP


Well-Known Hunter
These back panels are pretty much done. Sorry about the lighting, the haolgen floodlamp spot isn't as good as daylight.

Be gentle. It's my first time.


*****Edit with some daylight********






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Nice job man. What lid is that? Did you use Rafalfett's templates?
I did use Raf's excellent templates yes - thanks Raf (and the excellent gallery of course).

It's an Asok CC.

I should point out that the floodlight makes the colours a lot warmer than they actually are, particularly the concrete, which in these shots takes on a very yellowish hue but in reality is actually quite dull and boring. The main blue green too. In reality all the colours are more washed out.

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I think it looks killer! I hope mine turns out half as good. I'm studying now for when my lids arrive. Great job
With work like that, you may have people ask for commissions.
You're all very kind, thank-you.

I'd never even picked up an airbrush before November and this is my first go so lots of room for improvement. It won't be my last attempt. I really fancy a BM with the new dent when they're available and I'm extremely interested in FP saying he might do a sort of ESB GMH. Trouble is that I get really easily distracted. I'd done the first few layers of the panels before caught up in scope or barrel mount research so I might do loads in a few days and then nothing for months. Even allowing for long periods of inactivity these panels were very time consuming!

I found pretty much all the advice I needed through this site. Raf's templates are invaluable but the WIP threads of many a member has informed me. It really is a super site.

I also watched this guys videos a few times (Uses Raf's templates too):

How to paint a Boba Fett helmet - YouTube

The man's a prince. Being able to actually see him put the paint down was a big motivating factor.

Thanks for the kind words!

Those back panels are KILLER! I really love the daylight images, the halogen light images are ugly and if I were you, I never use them again. Keep up the great work!
Thanks for the kind words!

Those back panels are KILLER! I really love the daylight images, the halogen light images are ugly and if I were you, I never use them again. Keep up the great work!

Thanks Raf, that means a lot coming from you. I bought the lamps so I could continue to work during the winter when real daylight was extremely limited. They're good for working by at night - especially for the masking out. So happy to get these done yesterday that I started the left ear today, all masked out and got the grey down already (not in this picture, that's just the base coat).

This ear should be easier compared to those back panels - I actually thought they'd be the easiest place to start!


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Lovely work on those back panels brother, stellar work! If the rest of the lid continues at this quality, you will have one fine looking helmet my friend! One thing that might interest you - in the masking off with tape stage, I tend to cut out a rectangle out of a shopping bag etc, and cover up my back panels when done. Simply just to give them an extra layer of protection, but also because you can then tape other stuff to the plastic, and not directly onto your paint work. probably just over pedantic from me, but I'd just hate to see any of those awesome back panels accidentally affected. Look forward to the next update! Peace :)
Thanks guys, there's been a hiatus due to, you guessed it, work. Unfortunately real life has interrupted me but I appreciate your kind words.

Jayvee, I'll consider the bags as I don't want any bleed or overspray. Sleepalot, I never lie.:)
Little update: Had real trouble with the red on this section. I had started with the grey mix as the first layer but just couldn't get the red to look sharp enough over the top of it so I sanded down and started again and this time I put the red down first and it looked much sharper so I think it'll have been worth it in the end. Apologies for the flood lamp again but by the time I had finished re masking it was dark outside. second time around I also opted to mask the curve with the fluid rather than the tape as the edge wasn't too tidy last time and not knowing how much fluid I'd need when I started I bought quite a lot of it, like really far too much of it - Div.:)

I know you hate this light Raf and I know myself it ain't great but it's either this or no progress pictures until Summer happens by as I'm a shift worker and have to work whenever I can.

Live dream


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