Glue for hyperfirm blaster?


Well-Known Hunter
So, the scope on my hyperfirm has fallen off as well as one of the t-tracks from it(that went missing) The scope fell off before and I managed to use CA glue to hold it in place temporarily, but is there any other type of glue that would hold things more firmly? Also, any idea where I can get some replacement t-tracks for it?

Any polyurathane rubber would probably hold it. As long as you clean it first. If you search for a polyurathane glue, it should bond to it.

I am of course assuming its ployU rubber, as I cant see them using any other type.
I had trouble with all kinds of stuff getting knocked loose on my hyperfirm when i first got it...(mainly the molex connectors). I've never had a problem with the scope though??? hold on my molex connectors, I actually drilled holes in them, then drilled holes in the blaster itself where they are supposed to mount. After that, I used epoxy to secure a bolt in the blaster, (had to cut off the heads of course,) and then secured the connectors in the same fashion. Basically, I made some studds which fit into the blaster, the fit my connectors to the exhisting bolt extesions. Sounds complicated, but was actually very easy. I'm guessing you could do the same with your scope mouns on an ROTJ.
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