Painter Needed!


I know there are MANY very talented painters out there with access to the exact paints needed for an AWESOME boba helmet. Just wondering what some of you artists would ask for a fully weathered paintjob on a blank mystery helmet. I will supply decals and such. Just pm :)


I painted my scratchbuilt bucket using spray paints and sponges, but I'm looking to get a mystery helmet painted nicely with layered weathering. I just don't have the access to specialty paints listed in the painting threads or the types that SuperJedi used in this painting thread.
btw, is SgtFang still selling helmets?? Every thread I see is at least 2 years old. In SuperJedi's painting thread, SgtFang says his newer bucket will be 90 or 95 shipped, but like I said, its from '06 or '07.
btw, is SgtFang still selling helmets?? Every thread I see is at least 2 years old. In SuperJedi's painting thread, SgtFang says his newer bucket will be 90 or 95 shipped, but like I said, its from '06 or '07.

yeah he is still doing them. cargo hold threads expire after a while, so you won't see them in a search.
I painted my scratchbuilt bucket using spray paints and sponges, but I'm looking to get a mystery helmet painted nicely with layered weathering. I just don't have the access to specialty paints listed in the painting threads or the types that SuperJedi used in this painting thread.

Not sure why you don't have access to them... most folks mail order them, so it doesn't really much matter where you live :)

The painting thing is so complex. I'm not a master by any means, but I'd charge a small fortune to do it, because I value my time VERY highly, and it would take a lot to convince me to spend so much of it on something for someone that isn't me ;)
Not sure why you don't have access to them... most folks mail order them, so it doesn't really much matter where you live :)

The painting thing is so complex. I'm not a master by any means, but I'd charge a small fortune to do it, because I value my time VERY highly, and it would take a lot to convince me to spend so much of it on something for someone that isn't me ;)

That's very true...I think I'll tackle the painting myself. SuperJedi's 2nd bucket paint is just about as good as you get, and it is a great tutorial. Hopefully I can find the correct paints. I got plenty of time this summer to paint while my molds cure. ;)
Do it your self just dont rush into it and do a little reserch on it first or go on ebay an buy a master replica u will probably spend the same amout if not less than bying a new lid an paying some one to paint it .. just a thort..
That Superjedi guy is a hack. Nothing but a rank amateur. :lol:

As has been mentioned, it depends on the complexity of the paint job. Painting the ESB helmet is a pretty paintstaking process.
You can order the bottle paints directly from testors website. Or if you are not aribrush inclined, check out AFFO$ spray paint list, its a sticky at the top of this section. The colors are very good.
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