
Jr Hunter
Hi guys and thank you for taking the time to read my thread.
I know this may be not relevant to TDH but my main objective is to praise our own and show the versatility of a true Craftman ....99 cent Taco.

A month or so ago , I approached and comissioned Taco to do a Lara Croft gun belt and harness for my daughter Samantha. I had purchased some items n the past from Taco and honestly believed in his skills.

I live i think I live about 10000 kms or so from Taco, and after only supplying him with a handful of measurement and a couple of pictures, he created an incredible and amazing belt. I will post pics soon.
The pics were updates by Taco, but today i received the real thing, it is a pleasure to see a true craftman create something of high quality and attention to detail, being a tradesman myself , I know what it is to put a lot of pride in your work.
This guy is also courteous , helpful and at all times kept me up to date with all the progress. Every question was address with respect and at no time went unanswered.
I know there may be others out there but I am very happy to commision/subcontract Taco anyday for my future projects and ideas.

My daughter is also excited with her new acquisition ,and being a father ......means the whole world to me :D.

I thank you again Taco for your outstanding work..:cheers
I personally recommend Taco to anyone, not only for Boba gear but basically any leather garment , prop etc.
May I also add that I have never had the pleasure of meeting Taco in person before, so this is an entirely unbiased thread.

Please feel free to comment or add anything if I have forgotten or not said.

Feel also free to comment on the belt itself, I will upload pics soon....



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Wow! Those look great. Awesome job taco!

Not to hijack this thread but here's another character ref for taco. I recently purchased one of taco's ESB slings. I've been having some trouble lately with items disappearing from my mail. Unfortunately the sling was one of those items. When I asked him if it had been shipped he assured me that it had. So I told him what had happened and that I would purchase another. I wasn't expecting him to ship another, so I was surprised when one showed up in the mail. So I asked him if he had sent another, and because he felt bad for my loss, he had, and at no cost. He said he didn't think it was right that I had paid for something I didn't get. That is just awesome that someone would actually do something like that in this day and age. I don't think it's is right for him to take a hit because of someone else's stupidity either, so I gladly resent payment. So here's to taco :cheers May your kindness and concern for your customers be rewarded ten fold.
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Those look great!

It's also good to read praise and such reassurance on the quality of guys like 99cent tacos work. Credit, where credit is due! And I salute all you guys spending hours of valuable personal time to make things like this for the ones of us that are a little more creatively challenged still.

It really makes choises loads easier for us new guys in here and it just makes me look forward to my ROTj ammobelt even more!!
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Thank you very much for your kind words Marcel and to everyone else. I must admit that when Marcel first contact me with this and sent me 4 photos total and his daughters measurements, I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out. But I was diggin the holsters. So thats wear I started. I went ahead and purchased the toy gun so that I could get the best fit for the gun. Without it, it would never have fit correctly. I wish I had taken pictures of the whole set up when it was 100% done with the top shoulder straps but my camera was missing in action. I hope you enjoy it Marcel and I hope your daughter enjoys it. Like they said, hope we get to see some real life dress photos. Thanks.




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wow, i didn't see this before so i apologize for such a late bump but this is awesome to see some non fett leather work by taco.

he is truly fantastic
Here ya go






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