New mando project...

Aden Kyramud

Active Hunter
Once again, I have another mando on my hands; the other vod'ika now wants one...
Here's a quick B&W concept sketch i threw together to get him off my back:wacko:D; the colors will be black with blood red and dark grey.


Sorry for the poor quality and the just plain bad drawing!!!:facepalm


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    16.6 KB · Views: 403
LoL, nice arms. ;) Looks fierce! Make sure your vod doesn't poke his eye out...or someone elses for that matter. :p You and your vode have awesome ideas! This one is going to look pretty cool. :D
If you cut the arm out into small pieces and threaded them together down your arm, it would have like 11 pivot points to wrap around your arm for good mobility. In the pic it looks like a series of jagged rings stacked up your arm, but you probably will get more flexibility if each "ring" was also hinged around your arm in several pieces.
Am I making any sense or??
Maybe a few solid rings in the middle of the bicep, and hinged pieces at the elbow. Just brainstorming...
My thoughts would be a 3 piece, to ensure you have movement. Forgive me for the quick diagram, I've had a few to drink tonight (and really should be in bed, but this place is addictive).


As you can hopefully see, do a three piece and place the zig zags as a tiled layer, but give room for movement.


  • Arm.jpg
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OK, I have a friend who's a gladiator...he gave me an idea similar to saz (thanks!!!) it's a spin off of segmentada (there's another name for it, but I can't seem to spell it :rolleyes:D)

I also finished glassing his dome...

i like the idea you've got going for the arm, i've always wanted to incorporate a scaled piece into my suit i just can't ever get it to fit in to the design. can't wait to see more of what you've got!
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