Fett Gauntlets: Pepakura.


Active Hunter
Hey guys,

I created a set of Fett gauntlets few weeks ago. I modelled them in 3D using WoF blueprints, and just need to unfold them now to get the 2D templates. If I remember right they've been mentioned in my Boushh thread?

I did these for a friend although I don't think there's anything wrong with Alans work. I've seen some great builds from his Fett templates! :D

Read more about them here: http://skipspepakuracostumes.blogspot.com/2008/07/star-wars-fett-gauntlets.html

Also, here's a pic of the 3D models.

Hope you like 'em.
Awesome! (We need a devil gif here) No more words ;)

Thank you very much, you're doing a really nice work with them (y)
Thanks very much guys, I'm glad you like 'em. You may notice I left the rim out of the gauntlets? The dges at either end of the "tube" your arm fits through? This is because I was trying to simplify the build but also because they weren't represented in the blueprints.

I've also left out that (forgive me for not using the proper term) rocket looking thing that sits on the top of the left gautlet. I figured that people could either scratchbuild their own or buy one of the pre made ones.

McKenic, no sweat buddy. ;) I hope Boushh is working out for ya. I wouldn't mind seeing some build pics? You still have my email?
Basically, these were just intended to serve as a base to get the main Gauntlets built.
Hey Skip... nice work there bruv!
These end ridges you refer too are on the templates? page one I think... the depth of the ridge really depends on the thickness of the material used?

Thanks buddy. That's good to know. I've got Gauntlet reference but didn't refer to it too much when I did these. I mainly worked from Alans blueprints.
Hey Skip!

Dont want to hijack too much but here is the progress WIP :)

Please forgive the MUFC bedspread :eek:

I decided just to jump in with stiff paper before doing a correct version in card - just a test really to see where I might run into issues.

Hope you like!



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That's Ok buddy, though you can always post Boushh stuff in the Boushh thread?

The build is looking great! Except I've noticed one error. The part I've circled is sticking out on yours, it should be recessed. ;) That shouldn't be too hard to fix but if that is just a test run then be sure to remember it when you go for the full build. ;)

The method may not be for everyone but the numbers actually help people new to Pepakura created models. It'd be difficult for a newbie to build them without the numbers. ;)

Yeah - Id be LOST without the numbers! Its just a test to see how I go tho!
Thanks for the heads-up Skip! Will fix, do more and drop you a line for the once over!

I still haven't had time to finish these either! Sorry, it's been such a busy couple of days! I will try to get on top of all of the Fett gear soon, I promise.
are you redoing the gauntlets as a pair and just making it so we can turn off the obj of one to work on?? I think that would work just like how you did it with the Busa chest perm!!
I thought about doing that. Though I decided to keep them each seperate. I imported them together just for the pic I posted.

I'll keep them seperate so that people who are new to Pepakura, can just know to load one file or the other depending on what they want to build.
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