Kill Stripe Paradoxon


Active Hunter
I was just working on my new Bobamaker helmet (ESB) and i was getting to the kill stripes and then I found something strange. Besides the fotos from the reference cd, i also used my Master Replicas helmet for reference and I found out that the MR has 15 kill stripes while the fotos show only 14. Does anyone know why this is so?
The MR helmet's paintjob wound up being based on the PP3 bucket.
Why they chose to go this route is not certain as they had a stunning ESB paint master done for them by Rogue Studios.
If you're painting up an ESB helmet, I wouldn't use the MR for reference. Stick with the pics of the real deal! :)
I remember that Rogue Studios did a fantastic ESB paint master but i didn't know that they did not use it :(
I'll stick with the pictures. Thanx for the info superjedi!
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