First Fett (practice run)


New Hunter
Its about time i posted. I got this helm off sgt fang back in Jan. After 3 paintjobs and being stripped down etc I finally found humbrol and thanks to terminalfetter's list i got the correct colours (after 15 different greens!). So i got an airbrush and compressor and got started. (first time airbrushing)

Unfortunatly i went backwards and did green before the red and when painting the red it bled through to the green:S Anyways, enough waffling...weathering is layered (first time using liquid mask and i like it!). I painted the black by hand and still need to add alot of weathering detail and still peel off more layers but im considering this as a test helmet and will get another one. The colour seems darker than it is in the pics. Hopefully will have this fully finished during the week (minus face shield and stalk)

All criticism wanted!:D


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