

Well-Known Hunter
I got a promotion on monday of this week. I actually have some time to post about it now that the extra paper work is done.

I'm super excited. :thumbsup: :cheers

anyone else have any rant or rave workplace news?

Early Christmas bonuses? Nifty Parties? Lazy co-worker stories?

Congrats! Just in time for Christmas.

I am a correctional officer by profession. I like to tell people that I just got out of prison. :lol: I love the reaction I get.
my work has been trying to eat my soul. long long days. my highlight lately has been a stretch 3 shifts with 4 hours off between. 10a-7p, 11p-4a, 8a-6p.

other than that it's been... well... like that. there really hasn't been much other.
From the opposite end of the spectrum...:cheers to you Quinn..Congrats:thumbsup:

I wish I had good news to share right now but I dont :cry Hopefully I will get that all important call I was told I would get by today from a hopeful employer
Congrats, CB! Way to go.
We're having our squadron Christmas party this Friday. All of us Senior NCOs have to cook something like a ham or a turkey. My wife said she's gonna get me an apron for Christmas! :lol:
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