Was interviewed for a national newspaper in my fett

Boba Swede

Active Hunter
Hey gang,,,

Last weekend i was interviewed by a nation wide newspaper/tabloid druing a sci fi convention in sweden. It was about how nerds ruled hollywood now with their influence and my passion for fett. And it was published today... one of the best birthday gifts ever.. :p

Sadly for our international members the article is in swedish but most of our nordic members shouldn't have any bigger difficulties in reading it.. and besides.. the main picture is pretty kewl if you ask me..

So please allow me to shine for a while so that you can bask in my glory..:cheers

Oh.. and did i mention that i was 1 page away from being the centre fold? but i guess you can't complain about a two page spread. :rolleyes


Cool! Dig the layout, and your Fett looks rad! I will show my friend Louise this article, she will translate for me :). I hope the guy who interviewed you didn't ask for ska vi duscha after
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Det är en jätte fint Boba Fett där.. Jag hoppas at jag kan se det i person, at som timma....
Great work man, I need to read more Swedish to improve my vocabulary and grammar, this article was just the ticket. Thanks!
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