I'm in the news...LOL!

Halo 1

Well-Known Hunter
I'm in the news...again! Oops!

Hey Hunters,

Recently while the One Man Star Wars Show was being showcased here in Singapore, Doug, a Straits Times reporter covering the event, called the 501st troopers who were there as supporting fans, ushers. :eek:

Paul, the CO of the Garrison, emailed and corrected him and explained exactly what we were and what we stood for etc...anyhow, what first was suppose to be an apology, got the Editor so hyped that she decided she wanted to showcase the Garrison!

So, a interview was set up, including a studio shoot, which somehow, only I managed to do as no one else brought armor...:lol: and viola, I'm in the news.

As with most papers, Doug got some facts mixed up as well as spelling. :facepalmThe head shots of mine left alot to be desired but the main shot wasn't too bad, even without a blaster. :lol:

So, here you go...


Stay safe,


P.S. If anything else, I at least got some nice studio shots! :cheers
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Way to go Tim and the Singapore Garrison! How is Raffles Place nowadays? Last time I was there was in 1992 back in my US Navy days!
Wow Tim, I know i keep saying it but your ROTJ costume (sorry plastic outfit :lol:) is phenomenal. It really does look as though you have just stepped straight of the movie set. I am so jealous of you ;)
Simply awesome my friend! You've achieved your fabled 15 mins of fame. ;)

I'd definately get a few copies to keep as I'm sure that some of your friends and family would love to have one as a keep sake.
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