My Cereal Box Boba


Active Hunter
Okay, I wasn't accurate at all with this but I figured I'd show it off anyways 'cos I'm proud of my cheezy work. ;) :D Anyways:






I made this for school character day, by the way. I made it in about 2 weeks.


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For a cereal box that's not bad. Better than I could do at scratchbuilding (and I've tried). Pretty soon you'll start your downward spiral of obsession and upgrades and the rest will be history.
Take the next step: For Sale signs! (y) They cut easily, bend with a little bit of heat, super glue works wonders as an adhesive on them and they can be sanded & painted easily. Plus, they are cheap and readily available. If you need it thicker in some parts, add a second layer. I did. :D.

Keep at it. I'm sure a lot of us would like to see what you do with For Sale signs, or you could use trash cans for the body armor. BTW, trash cans don't glue to anything, though.

Good luck! :cheers
Wow I've seen better but that is an amazing result from a cereal box!(y) next time I have cereal for breakfast I'm gonna be thinking "I could have made armour from this" instead of "This needs more milk"!
You know for armor that is made out of a cereal box that is pretty **** good (and excuse my language LOL). I am thinking of using cereal box's to add the overall gloss and shinnyness to my armor when I make it out of cardbord. Overall great job. Most impressive as I may say. And mandalorian guy thats funny. I'll remember that as well with the cereal box. Its truly amazing in what you can make out of stuff around the house LOL!
****. i was expecting something like the white bucket stormtroopers.
but thats pretty **** good for a quick whip up cereal box boba!
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