Painting my BFUK Jet Pack


Active Hunter
Painting my BFUK Jetpack

Hey guys, today I started to paint my BFUK Jet Pack (thanks BFUK:)), so far I have painted almost everything and all that's left to do is attaching the greeblies and adding the JP symbol and finish painting the thrusters. I could not afford the expensive cans and brushes ( I'm only 17 lol, I dont have much $$ hehe) so don't expect too much. Here are the pic's.





Let me know what you think:)

A very solid first attempt.
You have done well, especially considering your "young" age and limited resources.
You should be proud.
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Nice work Ruben. Looks like you need some greeblies to really set it off too along with labels. Look superb!!
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Thanks guys, I really appreciate your comments.

This week I'll re-do some damage, I think I can improve the paintjob a bit.

More comments are welcome!:)
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God work Ruben, so nice to see one which is not grey :lol: Slave 1 said it all, If you can maybe try and tone down some of the green around the edges by adding some more weathering. I use two shades of green, first off the finished pack green colour, then with a darker green around the edges and in the recesses. This gives you a faded effect and worn/used effect in one easy application. Also for the damage try to scrape off just the top layer at points where the pack would contact, so the very tips of the edges using a fine sand paper.

My last bit of advice would be, I think you are using rattle cans :confused I would let the whole pack dry for a day or two, then spray on the black weathering (aroung the edges), more than you want and take a cloth with a small amount of white spirit or thinners and wipe some off to blend, to look more grimy. If you test that it comes off as you want it to, you can repeat the whole process till you are happy without fear of having to paint it all again.

Hope that helps - and keep up the good work buddy (y)

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That is a very solid 1st paintjob! (y) I don't know too many 17 year olds who would have the means, patience, and skills to pull off doing a complete Fett costume. Congrats. (y)
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VERY nice!!! Especially nice for your first paintjob!! I did my first HUGE run (joker fabric) when I was 18 and heat reactive Rorschach masks at 19 so I can be a living testament that age matters not! We will watch your career with great interest!

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I'm also 17! We're the new generation! :D I think you have done a great paintjob. It's our destiny, be the best of the best! :p

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Nice more comments!!
Thanks everyone, Your comments are great feedback! I learn from you guys!
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