Y-wing / A-Wing helmet ROTJ scratchbuild


Jr Hunter
Hi all,
I just thought I'd show you all some of my current project (in between working on the dalek).
I always really liked the ROTJ Y&A wing helmets and I fancied a scratch build, whilst I wait on a Boba helmet to get here from the US.

I started initially with all the reference pics I could find on the net from SW exhibitions and draw it up in Illustrator. From here I started work on a 3D render with StudioMax. I was considering build it up in Pepakura, but thought I'd build up the way it would have been by crew in the 80's with carving around a few motorcycle helmets.

Here are a couple of pics of the rendering.

RJS render 1.jpg RJS render 2.jpg

...and some of the progress.

stage-14-(1)-sm.jpg stage-14-(6)-sm.jpg

The plan is get a decent buck made I'm happy with and make a mould from there.

I will probably hold on from update pictures though until its about complete. I thought I'd let people know what I was working on!!




RJS render 2.jpg

RJS render 1.jpg
Nice, you don't see that helmet design often. 'm looking forward to following your build. It's always fun to see any helmet build.
Hi, thankyou Heatshock!
It's getting there and has moved on a little further since the above pictures.
Not like I need to think about it for a while, but I will probably go the fibreglass route (I've more experience of this after building a dalek dome) and plan to make the helmet in separate pieces.... that's my thinking at the moment anyway!
I want to have a practice with moulding in silicone too.

Best Regards,
Dex (Rich)
Hi, thought I'd let you all see a bit more progress on my rebel lid.
It's definitely heading in the right direction with a lot of the big work done.


I still need to work 2-3 areas I'm not happy with, and of course chop out for the greeblies areas.
Scale in my opinion seems about right.


See what you all think! I don't start moulding until I'm happy with it, but I am pleased with this for my first scratchbuild sculpt.

Dex (Rich)
looking good mate
I think the RA kit is a bit too big tbh
there is an identified piece for the greeb in the ear

graham on RPF (get urself registered over there if you havent yet mate) took loadsa pics at the O2 exhibition a few years ago and let everyone have access to his pics - O2 Arena Star Wars Musical Experience - a set on Flickr


the side greeb has been identified as well mate

Yamaha engine casing from a Tamiya 1/6 XS1100 is thought to be the part. Lots of parts from that kit were used in during ROTJ times eg ATST parts

lmk if you need any help, although you prob have moer than enough experience if you have done Dalek builds (come on mate, pics?). I always had problems with gel coats etc. Slushing is just so much easier. But then again, you do with what you are most comfortable with! Also if you decide to go down the vac form route, I know a good vac form guy in the UK ;)

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Hi, thanks!
I found his pics on Flickr when I was looking for reference and it's his I use for an overlay when doing comparison photos.
There are pics of my Dalek and some of this build on Flickr too under the name Savaus.

I've got some greeblies for the helmet from a friend in Germany so that's something I don't have to make!

I've no experience of slushing, but I'm getting better at glassing, so I will go the GRP route.
The goggles I will want Vac formed of course, and will want someones guidance there! Not done any since Art College 20 years ago!!

Dex (Rich)
Ill show u slushing if u show me how to glass mate, I always make a right mess
if u using silicone mold, should be able to slush w it too!! 45 min to do it,, demold in 30 min :)

I have always had probs w visors. Many have suggested ptfe, which comes clear, but can be dyed to the right colour. Check w mojo fett or bobby fett uk, both have vav former exp
Mmmm... interesting! I'm not fibreglass expert mind you, but any gelcoating pointers, just ask! Took me a while to get it right.

I'll drop you a message when I get closer to making a mould up. I've not made a silicone mould yet, but I've seen plenty on the web that looks useful.
I looked through a tut of a clone pilot helmet scatchbuild by EVO3 was it? That build up was really quite impressive and vac'd his goggles.
Off over the garage/workshop and do some more tweaking shortly!

Hi here's a few more pictures of the progress. The front needed a little flatten as it was too round and that now looks more correct.


Also the hole (which will be an indent) with a chamfer for the side greeblie. Next up is the front lower chin greeblie indent and finish the rest of the indents including the connector indent. Which is the identity chip (apparently!!) Looks like a MOLEX connector to me!!


Then another touch of primer and a bit more tweaking until it is as good as I can possibly make it.

Thanks guys! I'll take a picture of it on my head (or a dummy's) head soon! (Might be the same thing!!) :lol:
Slowly but surely getting there!!

Hi, here yet more pictures of my progress before I give it another coat of primer and see if I can find much else wrong with it.
From what many reference pics I have, I don't think I'm far off and will do too much more to it....
Stage 33 web 1.jpg



Then it'll be a big wet and dry job before I start looking at making up a mould..... silicone moulding will be a new experience for me!
..oh and I will upload one of my head or a dummy's head soon! The scale to my mind is about right...

Dex (Rich)
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