Zuckuss Zuckuss the Bounty Hunter Mask

Darth Serberus

New Hunter
Haven't been on here for ages and still catching up with all the cool builds that people have been creating.
Here's one that I've just completed for a guy in the UK.
This is a Zuckuss upgrade. After discussing what he wanted we decided to go for Zuckuss with air-con, a breather bottle that doubles as a drinks bottle and ditched the bubble wrap eyes, like in the original, for glass/acrylic ones. At least you can actually see through these ones. The hoses are attached with rare earth magnets so they can be removed very easily when trooping. All the metal work is aluminium resin and the aircon is supplied by two fans venting out of the holes at the rear.
Here's a vid-
And a few pics- DSC05695.jpg

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holy cowl man..

that is cool!, its amazing how when I saw some of the original costumes at the exhibitions they originally didn't look as good as these fan made replicas.

LOL bubble wrap on the eyes, no wonder fett had the advantage on solo how did he see outta that thing.

awsome work guys..
Thats a fantastic job !great sculpt and innovations too!
I'm messing around with a go at this character in my head at present.....mind you theres a heck of a lot of boxes and junk in there at the moment still!...;)
...Are the lenses custom made (vac'd /cast)or from found objects?
First, this is my first post here so hello everyone. Second, this will be my first time costuming. I found this thread and my eyes lit up!!! I've been trying to find a Zuckuss mask and robe set for AGES!!! I'm short, so it's hard for me to find a costume that looks right. Zuckuss has always been on my mind. If anyone can help me out, that would be great. Like I said. I'm new to this forum and costuming.
Thats one of the...no..THE nicest Zuckuss mask ive ever seen! Can one purchase one from you? Ive been toying with the idea of doing a Zuckuss for a while..but have never been fully thrilled with the masks ive seen....until now
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