shin tools and pocket sizes ??


Active Hunter
Hi. Upgrading the suit I built before the days of the internet. Need correct measures of shine tools and shin pocket. I have the patterson squeegie, Are mark Bradly's dimension accurate? The seem wrong. Thanks for any help.
Make the pockets to fit the tools, that way they will be correct.
Here are mine...


Copy of Knees.JPG
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I believe Mark Bradly's are too small. I used those demension and pocke tools did not fit. I made mine 5x4.5x7. I think 4.5x4x6 (or 7) is probably closer to the true size. The real pocket squeezes the squeegie. I have a photo that shows the sqeegie in and chemical mixer in Fett's right pocket. These tools would not the Bradly pocket.
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Yes, MB's patterns are off, do as I stated above and use the TDH's Patterson squeege tutorial to make the tool it's correct size and you will be close to where you need to be.

You make the pockets the size fit the tools to make them look like the real Fett's tool placement, that way you are guaranteed to an accurate size.

That is what I did with mine as I shown you above.

Ruffkintoy told me to build parts out of cardboard before you start cutting fabric, that way you know the right size and what would fit you.
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