TDH Promotion Ideas

Bubba Fett

Well-Known Hunter
Like many others on the board, I feel that TDH offers a terrific opportunity to learn more about this great hobby. This board and the cons are a wonderful way to meet other, like minded, people and build friendships.

The Dent and I have been talking a little bit about how we can continue to grow the TDH community and get more people interested in learning more about how to build BF, JF and ZW costumes and props - and about costuming in general.

While The Dent and I are already discussing a number of ideas I would like to get some thoughts on what you might like to see. A couple of folks have already sent me some great ideas (thx!), but I would like to get some more. This could open a Pandora's box, so please try to be practical... while putting the TDH logo on the side of the Space Shuttle is a totally cool idea, it is a little out of our reach :D

Understand, I cannot promise that any of these ideas will get implemented, but I will compile a list of them and see what might be feasible and which will get the greatest "bang for the buck", so to speak. Once I get a good listI will rank them as best I can, and then discuss it with the Admins to see what we might be able to do.

I have cleared out most of my PM's to give myself some room. so fire away!


1.) Design a single page "flyer" to hand out. On the flyer explain who we are and what we do, and all the other important info that can fit without it looking cluttered.
2.) Cheap (cost wise, not quality wise) swag to give away at cons. Good example are temperary tattos. Something that will make someone remember TDH after they get home. The stickers that we had at Dragon Con were awesome!! More things like that.
How about a Sticker for your back window like the University stickers.
Something like the logo in the top right corner of the screen. Only Add ".com"
To the end and keep the "boba & jango fett elite costuming forums".

Banners people can add to there outgoing emails and on other forums?

the dented helmet tattooed across your Forehead! :lol:

Just a start.
Bumper stickers or License plates?

Hats(Ball caps)?

pens or pencils that can be handed out or Conveniently left where fanboys and girls hang out?

Note pads?

I'm sure I can come up with a few more ;)
I have to agree with like bumper stickers or car decals. I think the more visual the TDH logo is to the public, the more its going to grow. Business cards are great, but for the most part, you wont see them, because half the time, they'll be hiddin the wallets of members.

From my experience, visuablilty the best method of promoting something.

What about a table at local Comi-cons?
It would be nice to have like Official parts that could be sent to a local rep to use for the con then ship it back to a mod maybe?
donated parts maybe from different makers to show the Quality you can expect from TDH.
Just an Idea for the parts, but at least banners posters and pamphlets to use.

In additoin to temp tattos, our garrison has a number of folks who have had our logo made into a stamper. The kids love them, and once you have the stamper, its pretty inexpensive. While I absolutely love the bumper sticker idea...I dunno how much that is gonna spread our name around??? Not very many folks are gonna see your vehicle at a con etc, and you prolly won't pull off the freeway to chat about Fett with someone who happened to see a TDH sticker on your window. But I'd certainly buy one if they were made available!! :) I think a traveling TDH table to be taken to local cons is a great idea!!!!
I like the idea of a car window sticker, maybe a helm with TDH under it.

Maybe something like this...


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I took those round stickers that were being passed out at CIV and stuck one on my car. I would love a real bumper sticker :thumbsup:
I didnt mean the business cards, i meant a Plastic photo ID card, that can hang from a lanyard or a clip on the sleeve or whatever...

I do like the bumper sticker thing too.. I just like my idea better lol :D mainly coz its my one :D

I have to agree with like bumper stickers or car decals. I think the more visual the TDH logo is to the public, the more its going to grow. Business cards are great, but for the most part, you wont see them, because half the time, they'll be hiddin the wallets of members.

From my experience, visuablilty the best method of promoting something.

Promotional DVDs would work, god knows there's always someone filming at cons. A compilation of videos and slideshow-style pictures running on a laptop/Flatscreen at the TDH table would work wonders, and you could have DVD/CD ROM copies to hand out as well, complete with links to the website/forum and FAQ texts, articles and other promotional material, like templates and such. If I had a DVD/CD promoting TDH with boni in it to boot, I'd be sure to check out the website. Too much, maybe?

Just tossing ideas around.
Just tossing ideas around.

Yep, that's what we need to do first. Then we can sort out the ones that will give us the most bang for the buck, and the ones that are fast, easy and cheap to do. We'll try and get started with those and move from there.

These are all great idea, so let's keep 'em coming. :cheers
We did have a digital picture frame at Dragon Con with rotating images of a number of our members. Not exactly a movie, but a lot cheaper cheaper aand easier to manage.
Too bad we couldn't take up donations and put an add in "Star Wars Insider".
Just a thought.

Hey Wayne, even if we cannot take out an ad (don't know what they cost in SWI, but I will get a media kit), we might be able to get some PR in the mag. With the movies over and the TV shows not going yet, I am guessing they are a little hungry for stories (seen the latest issue?). If we had something really good - Fett skydiving, Fett saves dog from burning building, etc. we might get some free press. I am working on some other ideas along this line as well. So, if you have some ideas for a good story PM me. Needs to be more than just a convention story though...
Let's film all of the photoshoots we do. We can then get all the parades/troops filmed. Once we get all the footage we could edit it together to create a montage of Fett, sort of like how you see those montages of swimsuit model photoshoots. If we could get it all filmed I could edit it together, or I am sure there are other members who could also.
Let's film all of the photoshoots we do. We can then get all the parades/troops filmed. Once we get all the footage we could edit it together to create a montage of Fett, sort of like how you see those montages of swimsuit model photoshoots. If we could get it all filmed I could edit it together, or I am sure there are other members who could also.

Sounds like a good idea. We have a couple of editing suites here too. We could even compress it for delivery as an FLV for the net. Just need to make sure we get all the footage digitally or on miniDV. We could mix the stills and footage together. Could be a good giveaway for some shows.

Anyone here able to do some original music? Would love to use the SW music, but copyright issues could come back to us. Like to keep that feeling though...
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