Side by Side Comparison: Sgt Fang and FPH Buckets, ROTJ Versions


Well-Known Hunter
Preferred Vendor
Hey all,
I thought there'd be some interest in seeing a few comparison shots of my (2) Buckets. My current bucket was a Sgt Fang, that I acquired here on the boards about a year ago. I shipped it out to WICKEDBEARD for a ROTJ repaint and I was extatic with his results. Then, after a few months of trooping in that beauty, FP offered another run of his FPH bucket. I've been dying for one of these, and made the purchase.
Again, I shipped it out to WICKEDBEARD for paint and assembly, and once again I was floored. I finally got some side by side pics, and figured i'd share them. The Sgt Fang is on the left, and the FPH is on the right. I love both of these helmets, and it will be hard to let the Fang helmet go, but I must. Comments welcomed.





Thanks for looking.
WOW! Both of those helmets look AWESOME! It's always great to see side by side shots of the best helmets out there! The art work is outstanding! Thanks for sharing! (y)
It is strange to see that the colour on the the Killstripes are different eventhough the painter is the same.. is it different paints or is one of them just a little bit sunbleaced?

Also how much the weathering differs on the two helmets...

I'm not implying that this is a bad thing.. just fun to see the progression of the artist...

... or is it that the reference pictures to work by have become better?
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