Modding a WoF helmet to be more screen accurate


Active Hunter
Since I first constructed my helmet from WizardofFlights awesome templates, I was over joyed to own such an awesome helmet. There was always something that didn't sit quite right in my mind though, but I could never figure out just what it was.

I finished off the rest of my costume, and started attending events with my local 501st squad. Picture upon picture was taken, and I finally had a decent collection of objective views of my suit. That's when I finally started to piece together what had been bugging me about my costume. So did the tweeks and alterations to my suit, and with my stomach in my felling uneasy, I got the nerve to alter my helmet. :facepalm

I decided to cut the bottom of the helmet to give me more visible neck, and provide more clearance with my collar armor. I left the length of the front mandibles, and swept the cheeks upwards towards the ears. I removed the bottoms of both ears, and trimmed up 1cm ( the thickness of the bottom of the left ear ). I went back and forth between as many photos of both Boba and Jangos helmets as I could, trying to ensure that the bottom of the helmet had the correct shape. I noticed that Bobas helmet has a high point directly under the ears. So when you place your helmet on a table, you'll see a noticable gap under the ears. So I emulated this gap. At this point it simply a matter of trimming 5mm off of the back of the helmet to match up with the ear sections better.

I now had a new bottom shape to my helmet, but had to rebuild the bottoms of both ears as I had to remove them. This is when I noticed something interesting on the ILM Jango helmet... the bottom triangle bits on both the right and left ears are the exact same height! So I pulled out my plasticard, and rebuilt the bottoms of both ears, making sure that they were both the same height. The final results are a night and day difference!

Now on to the pictures...





And now for the in costume comparison...




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awesome work dude!

Im doing a scratch build now,and im trying to make it as screen accurate as i can so i dont have to mod it after completing it....

you did an excellent job though brother!
Basically, all you'll have to mod is the bottom edge of the main helmet. Once you've got the basic helmet put together, trim the bottom. Then when you build your ears, just shorten them by 1cm on the bottom as I've described above.

I posted this thread on my mod so that others could benefit when making theirs, and be able to make the adjustments during their builds as opposed to after as I had to. :cheers
It does look better, so let me clarify what your're doing exactly. You cut the bottoms of both ears 1 cm from the bottom, then adjust from that point to the front of the helmet without cutting the front shorter?

So, in essence you get a triangle shape from part that is cut off, correct?

Then you cut the back down to match the change from the ears?
Yup, pretty much.

I did neglect to mention that the bottoms of the ears will now have more of an angle to them, so if attempt this modification you'll have to match the ear bottoms to the new shape of the bottom of the helmet.
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