About to start a Holiday Special helmet. Need suggestions.


Active Hunter
I'm about to turn my '95 DP into a Holiday Special/Droids version, and I need some suggestions, please.

First off, I'm a touch colorblind, and would like opinions on the color scheme for the THS Fett.

Second, I'm debating on whether or not to drastically slim down the visor area to make it look like the 'toon version or keep it the tradtional width.

Any help would be great!

I say keep its normal shape, keep in mind those cartoons are not exactly realistic. Just look at that ugly vader!
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Hey Wayne,

I think I'd make the helmet look like the THS one for sure. That is, I'd trim (or "de-flare") the mandibles to go inwards! I mean, it would look strange, but would look more like a THS helmet.
If you keep it traditional, it'll just look like another custom in my opinion. Know what I mean?

Hope I helped?! ;)

PropReplicator wrote:

Second, I'm debating on whether or not to drastically slim down the visor area to make it look like the 'toon version or keep it the tradtional width.
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Seems pretty easy, unless you're looking to resculpt a helmet. Two shades of light blue and no weathering!

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E2K13 wrote:

Don't forget to move the dent over and do the lines between the arrows! LOL
Yep, that's on my list. :D

I'll get my wife to help with the colors. She's used to doing that for me, anyway. The Chronicles has some good clean screencaps to judge colors by. And I think the people at Lowe's and Wal-mart have gotten used to my bringing that in with me and heading straight for the paint sections. :lol:

Thanks, guys!

E2K13 wrote:

You know, from the look of it, the Rubies helmet would be a great shape for the bucket!
Well, only in this screencap.:lol: That's the problem with replicating animated items. Things change from frame to frame.:lol:

Yea, they certainly do but I must admit we need to do something with the ole ugly Rubies Helm other then throw it in the circular file! LOL
Wayne, I personally would do it the "toon" version.
It would just be another custom if it wasn't.
I can't wait to see some progress.

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Lynn TXP 0369 wrote:

Wayne, I personally would do it the "toon" version.
It would just be another custom if it wasn't.
I can't wait to see some progress.

That's my goal. :) I've just got to figure out which frame I'm going to replicate. :lol:

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To to hijack, but I'm also looking to make another costume using my old DP97. I was thinking of a Holiday Special version or a Death Watch from open seasons, but I'm not too sure what to do. Any suggestions (other than ROTJ, Prepro, albino, etc)?
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Jango_Fett_Jr wrote:

To to hijack, but I'm also looking to make another costume using my old DP97. I was thinking of a Holiday Special version or a Death Watch from open seasons, but I'm not too sure what to do. Any suggestions (other than ROTJ, Prepro, albino, etc)?
Well, I'm also going to do a Kenner figure version, if I can snag another '95 really cheap. (My king-sized noggin doesn't fit in a '97.)

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