I finally have a decent bucket!

So, As it says above, I finally got a sgt Fang(at least that's what I'm told it is) My previous expirience with a Helmet is my DP95. It was a great price. All the parts are here(although the stalk seems to angle in). I'll have to take pics. It seems ready to paint. The seller got a MR so he sold of this. Things I like already? IT DOESN'T SMELL. My frikin DP95 STILL stinks to this day! It's bigger. And the visor fits quite well.

Looking forward to using the ESB templates. But the funny thing is, I'm an acomplished Model builder. I'm pretty good with an airbrush but for some bizzarre reason, I'm intimidated by painting this! I've seen lots of helmets here that have been painted by people with NO painting skills whatsoever and they've come out with some **** fine helmets.
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I had painted quite a few Fett helmets before I started the ESB helmet I just finished. I was scared as all heck to get to it. Once I got going it went much better then I expecetd.
BEFORE I found TDH, my DP95 was painted. After looking a others' helmets, I stripped it down and ordered a better visor for it. I also got a DP96 I was going to paint as Jango's but since I could'nt get the visor in the way I wanted my 95 has sat. The 96 has been stripped and sanded.

I just wanted to screw the visor in place and that was a bit trickey since the lip along the visor edge is a bit thick and trying to sand and trim down that vynil is a pain in the thrusters. Never got around to trimming out the visor on the 96.

I was hoping to start this one by using the screw method in the visor installation thread to get the visor ready but removable. Then primer off this thing and using the templates start at the 'bottom' and work my way up so to speak. Shoot the 'base metal color" mask the template areas with windsor newton liquid mask, then shoot the chrome and so on. I was justy a little unsure which one is the "bottom" base metal or chrome?
I'd recommend against using a chrome as a base coat. Use a plain ol' silver by Krylon or something.
Lots of folks have had problems getting their subsequent layers to stick to the chrome paint. It can be frustrating to mask everything off and shoot your color coat, only to have a bunch of it peel off when you unmask.
I'm not brave enough to attempt by ROTJ Boba, Gunna get mine built and sprayed for me, Ive done 3 costumes in 4 months. So it will be nice to get a costume and just be able to troop straight away
The most important thing- take your time. Mask carefully, get your base coats on, and tackle each section, each scratch, one at a time. When you see progress threads, where the painter says they have no skill, and still produce an excellent bucket- it almost always comes from taking your time. Set your 4-6 months if you have to. It will be worth it in the end.
I plan on taking pics as soon as there's something to take pics of. ATM, it's just tan fibreglass with grey primer partially sanded off.

I broke the visor that came with it. I picked up t bolts at Menards saturday and went and glued them in. I then went and thought I had lined up the visor, markerd for holes and went to drill them and cracked the visor in two. I thn came upstairs and order 2 new ones from T visor.com.(got one for insurance!). I then popped off the t-bolt bases. I had them glue in with some adhesive called 756?(I'm upstairs and can't see the actual number on the tube)

I figured I'd take the new visor and put it in place. mark where the holes should be, drill, screw the t-bolts in place. Put the visor back in the helmet and mark where to glue the bases.

Just remembered I need to get the rubber hose washers!

As for the templates, I've used Paint shop pro 8 and separated one of the left rear templates and shrank it to 72%. It's almost a perfect fit, but the left side is a bit too long. Has anyone out there adjusted the templates for a Sgt Fang and happened to save the files?:confused
If you are worried about screwing this up, paint your DP95 for practice then move on to this. You will thank yourself for doing so.

Just a little question if I may? I plan on doing that. I have a DP (or Rubies, I dunno which) and I was wondering if you can paint a primer over the existing colours or is it best to sand it off first?

Good luck with your bucket, Qrest Fourstar. :) I share your fear in painting this stuff. I haven't got a 'proper' bucket yet but I do have the armour, and I'm scared to even touch that! :D
Well, I'm happy to say the next hurdle I was focusing on has been leaped. I finally have my t-visor bolted in and I'm able to remove it. I plan on taking pix as soon as I get my camera.

Now, I just have to start resizing the templates to paint.
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