Backplate/collar attachment?


Active Hunter
Can someone tell me how you go about attaching your collar and backplate? I've never seen a clear picture if they are joined by a screw that goes through both and into a stud or if it's velcro. Any help is most definitely appreciated.

The attachement is with a nut/bolt assemble through the 4 stud attachments. Look up Russ Rep thread on metal shoulder studs, and this is about as clear as you can make it. You can use the metal studs(recommended) and I have also made/adapted the cold cast ones also.
Have fun
I use the bolt/nut thru both pieces method too.
I have resin collar studs, and I dremeled out a "scoop" in each one, then epoxied in a small machine bolt. The bolts go thru the backplate/collar pieces and are secured with small nuts from the inside.
That's a really interesting idea. Glued in with epoxy?


I actually got some elastic strap from Joann Fabric and glued the strap to the armor using hot glue (firstsonofsolo will shoot me if/when he sees this) and super glue. I have yet to have the elastic strap break off. Then I attach the clip to the elastic strap.

I used the elastic strap so that if I made a sudden movement, struck an awkward pose, or the backplate got caught on anything, the elastic would be able to stretch and accommodate vs. the backplate being screwed into the collar and possibly cracking it.
I bolted the collar to the back as well, I just drilled a hole straight threw them (and was like realy off in placement I hate to say) and then just tightened the screws. You gotta be carefull though, for whatever reason one of my collar studs started rotating, so now I've got a circle around one of them. :lol:
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