ESB Boba Fett costume checklist


New Hunter
I did a quick search and found a few hits on similar ideas but it looks like no one ever put together a complet list with any kind of detail. I would love to see something list this come together so I thought I would try to get the ball rolling here and see what we could come up with.

Please chime in with some additions and corrections to this list. I have the original copy in excel and will probably end up putting it together in html if it ends up being worth it.

Main Category - Item Description - Reference image link
Accessories - Boots - toe spikes -
Accessories - Left Gauntlet dental expander greeble -
Accessories - Left Gauntlet MQ1 calculator pad -
Accessories - Left Gauntlet rocket -
Accessories - Left Knee darts -
Accessories - Rifle -
Accessories - Right Gauntlet "bic" greeble -
Accessories - Right Gauntlet darts -
Accessories - Right Gauntlet hose -
Accessories - Right Gauntlet toggle switches -
Accessories - Right Knee darts -
Accessories - Shin tools -
Accessories - Side arm -
Accessories - Side arm holster -
Armor - Backplate -
Armor - Belly
Armor - Chest center emblem
Armor - Cod Piece
Armor - Collar
Armor - Collar nuts
Armor - Left Chest
Armor - Left Chest LED display
Armor - Left Gauntlet
Armor - Left Knee
Armor - Left Shoulder
Armor - Rear belt
Armor - Right Chest
Armor - Right Gauntlet
Armor - Right Knee
Armor - Right Shoulder
Helmet - Ear assemblies
Helmet - Main Helmet
Helmet - MQ-1 calculator circuit board greeble
Helmet - Range Finder
Helmet - Range Finder LEDs
Helmet - Range Finder Stalk
Helmet - Right Cheek greeble
Helmet - Visor
Jet Pack - Jet Pack main body
Jet Pack - Light beacon
Jet Pack - Rocket
Jet Pack - Stabilizers
Jet Pack - Thruster heads
Soft Parts - Ammo Belt
Soft Parts - Balaclava/cowl
Soft Parts - Boots
Soft Parts - Cape
Soft Parts - Cod Piece straps
Soft Parts - Flak Vest
Soft Parts - Flight Suit
Soft Parts - Jet Pack harness
Soft Parts - Neck seal
Soft Parts - Rope Belt
Soft Parts - Wookie braids
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