Bucket Progress

Darth Nickel

Active Hunter
So... I'm normally pretty slow, but I've made good progress in a short amount of time on this one. I got this bucket yesterday (6/7). Before I started working on it today, I thought I would post a few progress pics from yesterday. It's a new fang. I've installed Spideyfett ears I recently picket up, trimmed, and sanded. Just about ready for paint. I need to do some more fine clean up. I'm not happy with the mold bubble area and I've got to clean up around the ears.

Since I've never posted any progress shots here, I thought this would be a good one to start with.





I could not agree more!!! Paint is the easy part (well.. except Fett paint... that's not so easy..)

I have cleaned up the ears a little bit. Moved the right ear down flush with the bottom, cleaned up the hole on the top of left ear.

Does anyone else have the Spideyfett ears on a Fang? I couldn't think of anything else to do except cut the molded ear off (aka leaving a hole in the side of the helmet).

I'm going to cut and install the visor next. I've got some screw posts coming in and the visor is set to be cut today. I already cut one, but didn't like it so I'm going for round 2. Anyone need some TK lenses... :)
Thank you. I'm just about ready to tackle the paint. That's what I'm looking forward to the most.

As for the bucket, it's a SgtFang v2. It's made of resin, so it's nice and easy to work with. I've been pretty happy with it. Very easy clean up, hard to find any seams on it, just the mold damage that was pointed out when it was introduced.
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