Helmet mole (borden connector) question

Shinobi Fett

Active Hunter
Hey folks!

I noticed the ESB helmet mole looking like weathered brass, while the ROTJ one looks like weathered nickel-plated... My question is this: Were the borden connectors made of brass at one time? and How do you guys make an accurate ESB mole? Spidey, what did you use for the (gorgeous) JB Bucket?
Wasn't an actual Borden connector used on the JB project? I *think* that these are still plated so that when you sand back the plate it reveals the brass? - I could be wrong.
I haven't sanded/scratched up mine yet. you're thinking it's brass underneath there? Guess i'll rough it up with my dremel and see what I get.

Spidey...? Any thoughts?
I guess I shouldn't bring up my thoughts that we have yet to find the correct style borden connector should I...
I guess I shouldn't bring up my thoughts that we have yet to find the correct style borden connector should I...

...how did I know this was coming??...(y)
But you're right, cause they don't make it anymore.

My mother-in-law (before her passing) worked for an orthodontist, and I had him look at Reference photo after reference photo....he Immediately was familiar with what he was looking at....and stated, "to bad they do make that model anymore".......:eek:....
So the ones that we order now all the time, are three holes yes, but have to be Cut and turned around just to get the holes in the right place...:facepalm.....close, but no Cigar.
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Ha ha ha ha ha! Gotta throw a fly in the ointment Art, huh? :D j/k I thought I noticed a slight different appearance to it. But what do you mean cut and turn arounud? (I have an idea, but elaboration helps it sit in my mind)
But what do you mean cut and turn arounud? (I have an idea, but elaboration helps it sit in my mind)

Notice the holes...(for the record this has to have been discussed before?, right?)...There are Three different size holes, small, medium, large on the tool itself. In order to get the holes to match the exact position as the real helmet you have the Cut the borden tool on the back side, and then turn it around.(y)...thing about that is, you will find, as previously mentioned, once cut all the current borden tools are now made of Brass and silver plated. :facepalm


  • bordencompare.bmp
    957.7 KB · Views: 468
for the record this has to have been discussed before?, right. In order to get the holes to match the exact position as the real helmet you have the Cut the Borden tool on the back side, and then turn it around.(y)...thing about that is, you will find, as previously mentioned, once cut all the current Borden tools are now made of Brass and silver plated. :facepalm

What Alex said! (gotcha back) :lol:
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