Making a manequin


Active Hunter
I'd like to construct a manequin to display a set of armor, and I was thinking of perhaps starting with chicken wire, fleshing out with newspaper, then apply numerous layers of paper mache as hardened skin. Has anyone attempted such a endeavour? If so, what were your results? :confused
1.5 inch PVC pipe skeleton covered in foam padding/old pillows/crumbled newspapers/whatever and then wrapped in duct tape. Since PVC pipe connectors come in different angles, you can have your mannequin pose as you want. Also, It's good to be able to remove the arms on your mannequin when dressing it.
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Something I've thought about....
Not really posable, though. Make a duct tape double of yourself, from neck to foot, in a pose that's 'cool'

I was thinking that you could fill this 'double' with expandable foam, but most foam needs air to dry, and the duct tape doesn't allow it. But I'm told some stuff is purely chemical. It makes a rock hard filler.

Or you could use PVC or 1x2 wood and then use polyfil or something like that.
I went the PVC route too. here is the skeleton plan, and after that is what my sandtrooper looks like on the final, filled out mannequinn.


Brak's Buddy said:
I went the PVC route too. here is the skeleton plan, and after that is what my sandtrooper looks like on the final, filled out mannequinn.

very informative. This certainly looks like the plan. I'll hit up Home Depot on the way home tonight, and post my results in the next few weeks (still working on the armor).
that looks great, I had done somethign in teh past with pvc, wood, towels... heck even cola bottles...

but everytime i needed to wear it myself, that means decompiling the standup.... the mannequin... my dad and me proudly named "Gerrit"... woudl break down at soem point...

I need a Fett a carrying one... so teh jumpsuit would be a pain... im considering to buy or make another one... just for teh mannequin...

any advice from you guys?

cause real mannequins have connection points at waste and arms right? so that make sit alot easier and safer tod ress up ur mannequin... anyone done that before from scratch??

or are you doomed to retire ur suit to a mannequin for months...then decompile it, and recreate one again...
Brak's Buddy said:
I went the PVC route too. here is the skeleton plan, and after that is what my sandtrooper looks like on the final, filled out mannequinn.

is that gun your holding even a star wars weapon?!?!?
its an assault rifle, it wasnt seen a whole lot.. though its been years since ive watched the movies,, could be wrong on the "not used much" part.. but i know its star wars.
Demonchild said:
is that gun your holding even a star wars weapon?!?!?

That is a REAL MG15 and with all the REAL scopes that were on the MG15 used in the movie. Yes, it is a Star Wars weapon and a beautiful, very heavy, and VERY expensive one at that :D
Ok Braks, If that's a real MG15, you don't take it out to the back 40 and go full auto on old TV sets and washing machines do you?
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