ESB boba from a Rubies Jango Fett helmet


I just happened to realize that this world contains some extremely generous and nice people: MARROW SUN!!!

He's going to send me the finishing touch for my first bucket and make it nicer...FOR FREE...I repeat...FOR FREE

the Borden Dental Connector!!!

So if you come across this guy... kneel or something

thanks, I'll let you know when I get the greeblie, and ofcourse post new pics when it's done and stickin on me bucket.

cheers to you Marrow Sun :cheers
Which would you suggest purchasing if your going to repaint and reinforce the Rubies Helmet, the Boba Fett Rubies or the Jango Fett Rubies, and if you suggest Jango how exactly do i go about adding the Dent??
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