Girth Belt Interest Thread - Still At It! Update:12/15/04

Strange, some guy in a FEDEX truck dropped one of these at my house today....ODD. :lol: :lol:
This thing kicks A$$! It's perfect bro! Thanks again!
Got mine today,, this thing rocks........THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheers
I am glad you guys like them.
I will continue to make these while there is interest so those of you that think you have missed out, think again because I have a run of these I am putting together.
are these the right color for the ESB setup? I know there has been some debate at to wether the ESB girth is brown or red. I can't seem to find the outcome of that discussion right now though. If it's correct I'd be very interseted in one as the one I did on my own sucked.
Well, I am going to order up the girths for those that are on the list and get them dyed and preped for shipping by mid to late next week.
I am ordering all the girths for this run today and will have them ready to ship by late next week.
Sorry for the recent delay. There has been a lot of stuff going on and I am definately ordering these today.
Hey Ed,

How goes the last order? I've got a parade on the 20th and was wondering if they'd be ready for it.

Ok, Here is an update.
The 36s and 38s have been on backorder from the Mfg. for a while. I talked to them last night for a status update. They said they are slated to come in on Friday of Next week to be shipped to me as soon as they come in.

Now, I know that this does not make it in time for your parade Webchief but I am going to rectify the situation and overnight you the first girth I made to make sure you have it for the parade.

I am sorry it has taken so long everyone but I have no control on the back order situation. The good thing at least is the fact that they are being shipped very soon from the Mfg.
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