Girth Belt Interest Thread - Still At It! Update:12/15/04

Thank you for the kind words Marrow. I am glad it arrived ok.
Don't forget to post pictures of it on!
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Really nice. I need to weather mine up to get the color to a dirtier red. It measures 4.5" tall

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Just a quick update,
Those of you that are waiting on size 36, they are still on back order from the manufactorer. I will keep on their rear till I get them in. The good thing is that they have about 20 of them arriving and I have 11 on order. The bad thing is that they are done for the year as far as producing more of these girths. Now the size 36 is only a special order item so that is why they have minimal stock.
I was able to do the first dye process on the 4 girths that were soaked in acetone and they took quite well. I will be dying them in the other color tonight and put the straps on and ship those out.
Another good thing I also realized is that when I was at the store picking up the girths, the ones that were deep on the rack were the stiffer treated ones. All the newer stock was the soft untreated that really take the dye well. THe special order ones have been coming in untreated so I thing that the manufactorer might have treated them in the past but has since stopped. In the future, I will not buy the treated ones as they aer way too much hassle! LOL
So, the light is ahead and keep your ears open cause the girths are rollin out very soon.

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Well, I tried and I tried to make these treated ones work. The acetone bath didn't really work. They took some dye but just enough to make them look quite faded. I am going to order 4 more directly from the company cause it appears that the newer stock is untreated.
I really feel bad that this order has taken so long. As soon as I get the untreated girths, I will have these out in no time.
Again. I cannot apologise enough and I have already put about 15 hours of work into trying to resolve the issue with the treated girths.
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Ok, I just got off the phone. I placed an order for all new belts. I will be getting them in a few days. I also received confirmation that the size 36 belts will be arriving at my house in a couple days. I have 11 of the 36 coming. I am just going to make a production line! LOL
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All orders aer ready to ship. I have them all dyed and straps attached except Soilman cause his size was an untreated belt so I called the company and they are shipping me a new one. I will have it this week and out by the weekend. I am shippint all of them on Monday and Tuesday.
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soilman wrote:

Dang! Wouldn't you know it. LOL

Well, at least they were really acommodating when I called them. I let them know that my horse was allergic to whatever they treated it with and they said they would ship out the untreated one immediately. I will rush it out to you as soon as it comes in.
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I let them know that my horse was allergic to whatever they treated it with and they said they would ship out the untreated one immediately. [/quote]

lol :lol: i'll have to remember that one :lol:
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Got mine yesterday. Looks great! Now just have to get to weathering it. :)

Thanks again Eddie.

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I am glad you like it! THey are pretty fun to put together actually. Can't wait to see how it looks after you weather it.
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Just a quick update,
Soilman your girth is in and I will have it ready by the end of the week. I will keep you posted.
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E2K13 wrote:

I have had a few questions from people wondering if the color would work for ESB as well as ROTJ.
This picture told me that it was perfect!

OK, just noticed this. If you look at Boba's right side he has something on his back that comes down to his knee. It has a cord and a pointed end. First i thought it was something behind him but if you look at the shadow on the floor it is on him. I have never seen any reference to this before. Anyone have any idea what this is?
bobaesb_2 copy.jpg
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bobafett669 wrote:

Cost? I see no mention of cost here.

Under the pictures of the girth in the initial post it does say PM me for pricing and questions. LOL

As for the cord you are seeing, you can do a search on the site. There are a few threads I have seen that show pretty good close up pics of the cords running into one of the packs on Boba's Side.
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That's more than just cords. It is something pretty large on his back in addition to the jet pack.
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Interesting observation. Is it maybe another blaster? I see a"box" shape there below his arm.
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